

  • 2 eggs with 1/3c of your favorite veggies. simmer veggies in broth, not oil and add your eggs. Omelets are easy and by using broth, makes everything taste so much better and better for you.
  • You look great, what an accomplishment. I am a short white girl and I have 30lbs to loose...I also have a pic of me eating a big banana split...I gotta shake this off, just got a dvd of Jillian-extreme shed and shred!!! 2-45 min workouts!! I hope I can get this off by summer. I bought 2 bathing suits that only look good on…
  • I have to say, that is a great way to boost moral! I have been 30 lbs over weight for so many year, I have not been buying clothes as each year I say, as soon as I shake this weight off, then I'll buy clothes. They are so worn out and dated, now it's crunch time, gotta shake it off so started this program this last…
  • :smile: I gave myself a break the first week, been eating like i normally do just to see the calories I was taking in...I have been going over 700 calories. I have not been drinking the water I need either. I think if you can learn to be a grazer and eat 6 times a day, but you have to divide your calories up and allow…
  • Wow! Congrats on your hard work. I am just getting started today and this is quite an inspiration.