my guess is she went just a tad heavy on the bronzer. but beautifu none the less :)
Oh man, cous cous is a beautiful thing. You really can use it in or with anything. I like to add black beans and eat it as a main meal. you can put it in salads or make cold salads out of it. Season it with parm cheese and pepper and it compliments any chicken or fish! There are TONS of recipes online that contain cous…
I just started using chantix after smoking since I was about 14. Im 33 now. I tried chantix before and it really did help with the cravingsbut i found myself smoking out of habit. Like, having one upon waking up, after eating and before bed or breaks at work. I need to learn to break these habits
Everyone looks so beautiful, healthy and happy. I love this post
Ok, here is why "juicing" works... When you break down the fruits and veggies at the cellular level, it makes them easier to digest and helps your body to absorb the nutirents faster and more efficient. The cellular walls of the vegetables are tough and most of them hold a lot more digestive friendly nutrients. Here is why…
water is the best detoxer there is
Trully inspirational! i got teary eyed :) congrats to you!
on 2/6/13 i was at 330. Today, i am 310. Feel free to add me
where is part one? i really wanna read about losing belly hang and stretch marks
MFP gives you the minimum amout of calories as your goal to lose weight without exercise. If you told MFP that you want to lose 2 lbs a week, they tell you what cals you need everyday to get that done. Exercise allows you to consume more calories and still lose weight but also helps you get fit and raise your metabolism
thank you so much
Thank you for an inspiring post. I've added you as a friend
thank you all for your replies. I must head to bed and I will check out your links tomorrow. OT I'm posting from my phone. Is anyone else having a problem with the page going to the play store?
its not much but I've increase my workout from 15 to 30-37 minutes. I do 10 mins plus cooldown on stationary bike 8.5 - 10 RPM, ellipitcal about 3 miles and tredmill is 2.5 to 3 MPH
thanks :)
ive definitely gained some muscle on the elliptical and stationary bike. Botb are good low impact
thats what i thought too but the personal trainer at the gym told me to do some weights ugh... Lol
I just don't want a big butt or big butt muscles lol
Should big girls do squats? And I mean big as in 5 foot 7 and oer 300 lbs
i LOVE that bikini. did you get it from