donkrutsinger Member


  • I have been nominated to the Peace Corps, have sent off my finger prints for the background check and am waiting for a conditional medical release from PC Medical for a placement that has dependable electricity since I have Sleep Apnea and use a C Pap machine. I have been continuing to seek to loose weight to resolve the…
  • I have been nominated to the Peace Corps, have sent off my finger prints for the background check and am waiting for a conditional medical release from PC Medical for a placement that has dependable electricity since I have Sleep Apnea and use a C Pap machine. I have been continuing to seek to loose weight to resolve the…
  • I have been nominated to the Peace Corps, have sent off my finger prints for the background check and am waiting for a conditional medical release from PC Medical for a placement that has dependable electricity since I have Sleep Apnea and use a C Pap machine. I have been continuing to seek to loose weight to resolve the…
  • I have been nominated to the Peace Corps, have sent off my finger prints for the background check and am waiting for a conditional medical release from PC Medical for a placement that has dependable electricity since I have Sleep Apnea and use a C Pap machine. I have been continuing to seek to loose weight to resolve the…
  • I have had a C PAP machine since 1998 to satisfy an ex-wife and though I don’t have anyone to wake up with my snoring I do get a lot better nights sleep with my C PAP Machine than without. I did have surgery within my nose early on since I always had nasal drainage and that helped me to lower the settings on my machine and…
  • I have an application pending for the Peace Corps but would like to be able to loose 40 more pounds before leaving. I have been using a C PAP machine since 1999 and have always been told that I could get off of it if I lost Weight. I now have the motivation to do so but could use a little support. I have been told that I…