KetosisTina Member


  • So my Dr. put me on a 30 day PSMF (protein sparing modified fast). It like low fat keto, which is hard for me as I am used to my bullet proof coffee in the morning. So High Protein, low fat, low carb, low calorie. 1000 or less calories a day. I get like 4 Premier Protein shakes a day and then a meal with 6 oz lean protein…
  • @dawnz75 Take 4/5 strawberries cut them in 1/2 and soak them like 30 minutes in balsamic vinegar. I thought this would be gross but turns out it is delicious.
  • @annaskiski is correct. You need to keep your electrolytes up. Sodium, potassium and magnesium. I've been low carb 13 years and Keto this year. My hubby and I will actually take Pink Himalayan salt with us on travel and just suck on a small piece every few hours. There is also a product called Electrolyte Supreme by Jigsaw…
  • Every person burns a different amount of calories for every program. Height, weight, how much is modified. The only REAL way to know is to wear a HRM. If you wear it the first time for each routine you will at least have an idea. If you don't have one maybe you could borrow one. i loaned mine to my daughter so she could…
    in PiYo? Comment by KetosisTina June 2014
  • Oh nooooo. i just got back from an 11 day vacation with no internet access. I wonder who deleted me. I did post I was leaving for a bit. However I certainly understand if someone did delete me. I mean I was not here to support them. I would not take it personally.
  • NOOOOOOOOOOO, not Jiff. I know it taste good but it's not really peanutbutter. Peanut butter should have 1 or 2 ingredients. Peanuts and possible salt. Jiff: Ingredients: MADE FROM ROASTED PEANUTS AND SUGAR, CONTAINS 2% OR LESS OF: MOLASSES, FULLY HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OILS (RAPESEED AND SOYBEAN), MONO AND DIGLYCERIDES,…
  • Yeah I love my Mich Ultra (1 or 2 with dinner) but have notice since I cut back (only on weekends with foods like steak) my weight is slowing creeping down. Now I just drink water or green tea with dinner. The first week was a little hard but more from habit then anything else.
  • Well before I got stuck in a wheelchair for 6 months my PR was 8:45 and that was a while ago. Now I am probably 18 to 25 minutes. But as others have said you need to run further to build up your endurance. My PR of 8:45 was during a 5k run and it was my second mile. My total time was 27:03 so my other 2 miles were slower…
  • I did not lose weight at first with T25, but I got stronger (ie more muscles) and then in the later phases, particularly Gamma I started to see results. Remember Alpha is your foundation phase. Also those who have a LOT of weight 60 to 100 lbs to lose will lose more quickly.
  • Wait, I'm not suppose to log my beer as water. But it's Michelob Ultra.. so it's pretty much water. LOL
  • It's awesome they are doing it together. Having a supportive family can be key. Although my DH and I do not work out at the exact same time, we both workout with one of the BB programs. I have finished T25 and P90x3, now doing Body Beast. He is on week 3 of T25 (has done Insanity and P90x). It is fun to talk about the…
  • You're welcome. Hopefully it helped.
  • The first couple weeks are the hardest. I had to do Alpha almost exclusively modified due to a bum leg. I was able to do a bit more in Beta/Gamma not "as" modified. Great workout and less than 30 minutes and not drive to the gym. Woot. My husband has done Insanity and he says T25 is just as much of a workout as it's a…
  • whole grains, wheat wraps and rice cakes are all CARBS. They will raise you blood sugar. I've been low carb for almost 10 years. I simply don't keep these items in my house.
  • At the height of my fitness when I was in the Army, I ran 2 miles in 17 mins. (so 8.5 min mile). I am not fast even with military training. My Sgt who was training me finished in 11 minutes and came back to push me to the finish. These days I can't run (missing part of my right leg) but I can walk a 1 mile in like 17…
  • I have also replaced the battery on my hubbies Braun shaver (which was supposedly not replaceable). I order my HRM batteries on line. I got 25 batteries for $6 cor the CR2016. According to the manual you need the CR 2032 here is 5 for $3…
  • You can just add pic to your profile.
  • There's something cathartic about a punch in the nose. —Michael Farber, Sports Illustrated, 28 Jan. 2002 sorry I just remembered this and thought it was funny.
  • The logging is more of a pain up front. Those first few weeks when you have to look everything up. But then you have your own foods and meals created and it's not so bad. My hubby and I usually don't log on the weekends but we both know exactly what we are eating. The other day we opened a can of black olives for a salad…
  • I would agree T25 can help. I did both T25 followed by P90x3. My husband was stuck on a plateau for almost 2 years. He had dropped 85 lbs which was awesome but then came to a standstill. What finally worked for him was to actually decrease his protein and increase his healthy fat. (coconut oil, avocados etc. ) It seems in…
  • So much depends on body type and other issues. I had 2 kids (10 lbs and 9.5 lbs) "naturally" and my hips are definitely wider than they use to be. Even when I was 15% body fat there were only a few brands of 6's I could wear. 8 was really my size.
  • Each person is different and yes usually when you have more fat to lose it will come off quicker at first. My husband was 305 he went low carb and lost 80 lbs. The first few months he actually lost about 15 lbs a month, then 10 then settled in to about 6.5 a month. He was a little discourage too. Going from 3.75 a week to…
  • I'll just call you AwesomeAmber. WTG girl. I think being a member of the 100lb group is better than the mile high club. You are an inspiration to many.
  • That I survived necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating disease) but I have a big chunk of my right leg missing. That at 12 years old I drowned and was legally dead for 7 1/2 minutes.
  • I am actually missing part of my right leg so I understand leg issues. I was able to complete Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Tania is in all the videos and shows you how to modify moves to be low impact. I love the fact that it is less than 1/2 hour. Most come out to about 30 minutes with the cool down that runs from 2:00-4:00…
    in T 25? Comment by KetosisTina April 2014
  • I second the applesauce. Especially if you are doing lowfat or nonfat cottage cheese which can be dry, the applesauce really helps. I use natural no sugar added.
  • I just started today (3-31-14) This is my first round. I have finished one round of T25 and P90x3. I am hoping for more muscle gain with Beast to help burn my excess fat.
  • DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) does not happen to everyone. The fact is they do not know 100% what causes it. So believe it is a build up of lactic acid but other sites I have seen say that is not the case. Usually for me if it is a new muscle group I have not worked before I will definitely get sore. However the…
  • So true. I figured this out about 10 years ago. I was 145 lbs 26% body fat and wearing a size 14. After a lot of lifting and clean eating I got to 17% body fat and a size 6. Weight was still 145 lbs. :) Measurements, body fat and how your clothes fit is the real "scale".