rabidrabbott Member


  • Don't give up! If you need motivation just remember that exercise is great for reducing stress. You just have to push past it. Sticking to your diet/exercise will start paying off and you'll see results. This will become your motivation. Seeing a more fit you will make you happy, and that vibe will be picked up by others…
  • I think the amount of calories burned is so small, because you're just lifting. Cardio burns more calories because your heart rate increases. Someone else said not to worry about how many calories you burn when lifting and I agree. Focus on your calorie intake to help build muscle. Make sure you're getting protein,…
  • http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/food-sources-of-vitamin-A.php These are the top ten foods containing vitamin A. I would say cantaloupes or sweet potatoes would be your best bet. Dried herbs have a lot of nutrition across the board, but you're probably not going to eat a tablespoon of cayenne pepper. Lettuce is a…