

  • There's an Australian product from a company called Orgran that's available in the US and in the UK called No Egg. It's actually made of (reading from the packet) vpotato starch, tapioca flour, calcium carbonate, citriuc acuidm vegetable gum (stabiliser) and methylcellulose, and you can literally substitute it for egg.…
  • There has been some research, although more needs to be done, regarding the impact that fluoride can have on the entire endocrine system, including of course the thyroid. One of the effects of fluoride is that it can interfere with the balance in the thyroid of iodine, which the body cannot manufacture itself but which…
  • for savoury add diced cucumber and a splash of lemon juice to make a raita ...yum or for sweet, add a small sachet of hot chocolate powder (reduced sugar variety) to make a chocolate "mousse"