eannhaynie Member


  • Me too! Love this place! What schools?
  • Holy crap dude! Awesome transformation! You must live in Huntsville! I see the big spring park in your pic!
  • Haha, I do the 99 cent spice mix with 2 avacados too and everyone LOVES it... it's the lazy way out! :)
  • Add me! I'm trying to lose about 15 more lbs to be to my ideal weight! I'm trying to lose 10 of it by the beginning of May for a beach trip... Gotta look good in my suit! I gained about 20 lbs after getting married (I was SUPER skinny when I got married) and have since had 2 kids, so I am now only 3.5 lbs from prebaby…
  • I've found that I'm loving higher waisted jeans for this reason!!! LOL! I feel like an old granny sometimes, but the darn junior sizes show my crack when I sit down and cause me to muffin top all the time! I'm short and small boned so I have the issue with length too, especially since my weight is mostly around my gut.…
  • Carrying Your Baby or Pushing a Stroller Does It Count? IT DEPENDS New moms likely rack up a couple dozen biceps curls each day by scooping up junior and a prolonged arm muscle contraction by cradling him—but cardio exercise it’s not. A better bet: Pushing the stroller at a 3-mile-per-hour pace or playing tag with your…
  • YAY Kerry! We are gonna look great!
  • I think she's referring to aspartame and things like that... I too try to stay away from things like diet sodas, light yogurt, and such because of the aspartame.... Let me know if you find any good subs!
  • I weigh in every morning before I eat breakfast. It helps me to know how much damage or good I did the day before so that I don't just give up. Weighing in once a week meant I usually indulged too much because I'd use the excuse that I could just exercise a lot the next day to make up for it and then by the end of the week…
  • I just saw a commercial for New Balance ones that look like regular tennis shoes! I'm curious as to if they are worth it... I never wear tennis shoes though unless I'm out exercising. The shape ups are crazy ugly, lol!
  • We only eat the Skippy Natural peanut butter and it is super good and no hydrogenated oils! :)