Great job everyone!
To keep track I would log it daily under your exercise. With check ins I will post something roughly about once a week maybe more. Have a great weekend and thanks for joining!
WOW!!!! I am so glad to have this many responses. Welcome everyone!
I turned on my TV and cleared some space in my living room. I set a timer for 30 minutes. I started off by marching in place. I integrated side steps( step out with one leg in either direction and then bring it back to center) I also walked forward and backwards. If my kids talked to me during this I would sometimes walk…
I'm glad your tagging along. Congrats on the 7 lbs loss!
Its funny how 20 lbs can make such a big difference, good job.Thanks for posting!
You look fantastic!
way to rock!
You deserve it... great job!
GREAT JOB! You look so good.
I am totally ready to do this!
Thats so inspiring!
You look great!
Ya I take it as a compliment but then again when you were young did you ever cat call to someone from a moving vehicle just to see how funny their reaction was? I dont know maybe I was just a punk!
way to work! Your an inspiration!
rock on stud!
I do a lot of walking during work. I usually dont get to take a lunch break. Its more like shove food down my throat and go back to it sort of things... Sales. I like the protein shake idea! Other than that I do refer back to frozen things a lot. I loved doing veggie burgers for a while but it just got old.
you did a great job!
I cant stand when people just walk right into you. You know the ones... They cant bother to slow down or pick up the pace or move over slightly. Its like Im always the one to let others go. I noticed its the same at stores and stuff too. If im pushing my double sroller with my two kids and your walking straight at me and…
You look great =)
I hear ya... Middle of the night last night I ate the last slice of a small sized cake I had gotten for my son as a special valentines treat. It was taking him forever to eat that cake and I kept eyeing it and when I couldnt sleep thats what I reached for. SHAME.:laugh:
Good advice, thanks!
Thank you for all the great advice.... =)
Well funny thing is he just filed for joint custody. This comes after they tell him the cost of support is increasing....
Ok because I mostly get it on the elliptical too....
Wow good job. That was a very short period of time. Any pointers?
My ex didnt say that to me but I feel like that was his problem. I gained 20 lbs before we started having kids and as soon as I was so far along in my first pregnancy he started acting up. He would go out with the guys and not come home at night. He was ALWAYS talking to girls. The drama was crazy but because of our son I…