

  • I think the best marriages are based on that kind of Agape love. My hubby and I were best friends for about 3 years. He tried to hook me up with his friends..trying to help me find the right one. Jokingly I said "too bad you don't have a twin brother" . A few months later he propositioned me. He said he can't find any…
  • I went to a podiatrist.. she make me insoles for my sneakers that I use when I exercise. They can run expensive but if you happen to have diabetes I guess you can get them for free depending on your insurance. A podiatrist would be the first place to start. they have pads for both planter facitis and heal spurs and they…
  • I think I lost all ability to be motivated a long time ago. I also don't care all that much about the numbers. You know what motivates me?? (and I am sure you really don't care, but humor me)..Not feeling like crap. If I eat the stuff that tastes soooo good, I feel heavy, tired and yucky. Say a small fry...I crave the salt…