

  • I started the Dukan diet 3 months ago in April and have lost 38 pounds on it and feel great! I do have 19 pounds to go and hope to have it off by October. I am finding it very easy to stay on and can't wait to get to the next phase this plan has a great maintenance phase.
  • SW-232 CW-212 GW-190(for this 3 months) Happy Friday all! I am down 2 pounds this week and am very happy about that. Well this weekend should be challenging, I am having a women's winter getaway at my lake house(12 women),,..We will be snowshoeing, sledding, and some will be skiing.. so the exercise part should be fine...…
  • Good Morning all, I am down 4 pounds this week!!!! Exercise is really the key piece for me, We are having a snowstorm here everything is closed,but the gym was open so I went at home safe and sound. Well have a great day all, I know I am! SW-232 CW-214 GW-190(for this 3 months) Three Month goal: Week 1 (1/7) -…
  • Stefani, You can get back on track!!! Forgive yourself and move on! I too had lost a load of weight and have put a lot back on. In 2002 I reached my goal after having lost 125 pounds,I did some commercials promoting the weight loss plan and now have gained more than half of it back. This is a journey to health and starts…
  • Good Morning all. It is great to be among all you "losers" So encouraging! I am down three pounds this week. I worked out at the gym 6 days this week. My personal goal this week is to try and post more(this is only my 2nd post) Keep it up everyone! SW-232 CW-218 GW-190(for this 3 months) Three Month goal: Week 1 (1/7) -…
  • I hope it is not too late to join the 3 month challenge. Here are my stats: SW-232 CW-221 GW-190(for this 3 months) Three Month goal: Week 1 (1/7) - 221 Week 2 (1/14) - Week 3 (1/21) - Week 4 (1/28) - Week 5 (2/4) - Week 6 (2/11) - Week 7 (2/18) - Week 8 (2/25) - Week 9 (3/4) - Week 10 (3/11 )- Week 11 (3/18) - Week 12 and…
  • I too lost a large amout of weight in 2001 125 pounds. I felt great and kept it off for 6 yrs and then had a knee injury, couldn't exercise for 4 months, put on weight during that time even though I was eating healthy became discouraged. and the rest is history. Now it is 10 yrs later and I have 65 pounds to lose.I joined…
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