avidisson Member


  • Polar make the best HRM, in my opinion. Check out http://www.polar.com/en/products to find what suits you best. I have an RCX5, but I really like RC3 with integrated GPS. But I usually only do my workouts outside - so I like to be able to track how far I went and how fast. But if you're just looking for an HRM to use in…
  • I agree and I see about the same numbers when I'm training. In my opinion; if you have a decent heart rate monitor (HRM) and if you've set it up correctly (configured age, sex, weight etc.) the HRM should be quite accurate...
  • I'm an excessive sweater and I really don't like the heat. But I've done warm yoga and I love it. My yoga mat and t-shirt usually get soaking wet :-)
    in Hot Yoga Comment by avidisson July 2013