The libido I get after a workout! <3 My husband loves when I workout! Lol
Hey! I could use some friends on here! Preferably HOT and SEXY FEMALES so I can get motivated ;-)
A grape
If you're trying to stay away from a lot of carbs, I would suggest a hearty soup. I make a really good turkey soup! Recipe is here (Minus the sour cream):
Hi all! I'm hypo after having RAI a few years ago to treat Graves Disease. I haven't been on meds for two years because I have heart palpitations and my doctor is afraid of giving me synthroid. I've seen 3 doctors last year, and I've given up on modern medicine to treat this evil disease! I've been self-medicating with…
I was diagnosed with Graves 3 years ago, had RAI 2 years ago, and am now having a plethora of hypo symptoms. Even though my labs show mild hypo results, my doctors (I've seen 3 in 4 months) will not give me ANY medication :( BUT.....I prayed about it, and I think it's just something I don't need to be on for some reason or…
I've done one a few years back, it was really fun! The mud will wash out just fine. Use a clarifying shampoo and conditioner. Run it through a few times. The mud is actually good for your hair!
I have Graves Disease, so my levels fluctuate all the time, even after I had RAI 2 years ago. I can say, after RAI I felt MUCH MUCH better. I was on Synthroid for a little while after, but they took me off because my thyroid levels were back to normal. I get blood tests every 3 months. This auto-immune disease is…