

  • Myfitnesspal does the same thing but for free. They teach you portion control and track what you eat. Everything is already packaged but very expensive. I tried it but then got hooked on this. Both will work though if followed correctly.
  • If you know ahead of time, try eggs with cheese in the morning. I do when I know I am working out that day. I scramble 3 eggs and put half a slice of cheese on them, no butter...Then after, a protein bar or celery and a little peanut butter...
  • Be careful. I've lost 10lbs in the month of January by follwoing the 1200 calorie a day thing. I haven't gone over 1200 but maybe one day. I also have been working out. Towards the end of January I got to where I was working out pretty good about 4 times a week and burning between 700 and 800 calories. Im kinda athletic so…
  • I chew sugarless gum and drink lemon water. I know it doesn't sound great but it kinda takes my mind off things. I have been doing this for about 9 days and it does seem to get easier. I exceded my intake once but the next day I stayed a bit below and went to the gym, forced myself to go...
    in hello Comment by shalbert January 2011
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