

  • If you have a smart phone, I use the RunKeeper app (should be less than $5) and it uses GPS to track your distance, etc... for you. They also have a nice website to see reports and things of that nature.
  • I don't specifically for Cajun food but when out at an unknown restaurant I tend to stick to things I know of (or can find items similar to on the App). You may want to see if they have salad(s) with dressing on the side you could get. The other option is they will almost always have some sort of meat product (chicken,…
  • I was using the approach of eating my workout calories just to keep from going crazy but have just started to modify that approach a little bit as I feel like I have hit a plateau. My daily limit was around 1900-2100 through this process and on the days I would walk/run I was burning about 1000 calories so I would enter…