jkm92 Member


  • I Don't know about you but i'm feeling....okay i'm 21...but all your posts put the song in my head :| Anyone can feel free to add me :D xx
  • ahh, i thought this was just me, i eat so well all day...and then comes after dinner time, and all i want is everything (luckily i have the will power while stores are open so i never have any junk food in the house) , but i still feel i always have to have something after my dinner, i'v managed to make one of my daytime…
  • Hey, stretching for about 8 seconds on all leg muscles (you can do your arms whilst doing your slow walk to start) before your workout, and then around 20 seconds (more if your tighter in certain areas) after you workout really helps. I found stretching beforehand definitely increased the quality of my workouts and i could…
  • Hi, i'm in the same boat with the injuries, i lost 10kg without even realizing through eating well and exercise , and then i got some knee and ankle injuries and have managed to gain it back and some within a year! Feel free to add me, i could use the motivation
  • Hi, I also am going for third time lucky on here! I have a goal of loosing 59 lbs to start with, i'm 10 days and 2 lbs into that! and it gets easier everyday! feel free to add me for support (that goes for everyone!), as i really need it too, being at uni, where everyone is constantly eating and drinking what they want, it…
  • Hey, I'm 21 graduated this year, currently doing my masters ...which has made me gain everything I lost during uni :/ Feel free to add me, would be great to have a support system :)