

  • Ouch! sorry to hear about the leg! Injuries are a huge topic though and while yours may not have been preventable, many times they are. I encourage everyone to do the proper warm-up and cool-downs including stretching for their workouts. Breaking a leg demonstrates just how much of a set-back an injury can be. So if you…
  • Awesome! Thank you for sharing! I completely agree that no one should ever wait for a new year to try and achieve their goals. However, since we are getting ready to start a new year and many are making "resolutions", it only seemed fitting to discuss them. Congrats on competing the half marathon in 2012! I wish you the…
  • So are you saying that instead of looking for pills or a magic diet that you are going to eat healthy foods and maintain proper nutrition! If so, that is awesome! There are so many people that waste years starving themselves or trying pills that are only harming them. Focusing on great nutrition is the best approach! Best…
  • Awesome! Make sure you don't try to overdue it too soon. you don't want to burn yourself out or you will end up taking 1 step forward, 2 steps back. However, if you stay motivated and keep pushing forward I'm sure you can achieve your goals. check this thread again once more people respond to get some great tips for…
  • Great! Thanks for sharing. Good luck at the 5k tomorrow! -By the way Chalean Extreme is a great program (if you haven't tried it before). I know some people that have gotten great results with it! Yeah changing your diet and mental attitude toward nutrition will definitely help! Like you said, it's not ok to "cheat"…
  • This is awesome that there are so many on here that are going to push forward and attack their goals in 2013. But I have a question for those of you that are "starting over". What is going to make this year different than last year? It sounds like almost everyone made great progress and then gained weight back and now you…
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