mooowi Member


  • I had a surgery and coulden't walk for 7 months and counted calories so I didn't gain weight like I did after my last injury. (broke my foot and gained like 80 pounds in 4 months first time in my life I didnt work out 1+ hour a day). I ate about 3200 calories a day and lost 12 pounds during that span with 0 physical…
  • Its still about calories in calories out just don't get fooled by the water weight loss. I just know how it works really well from making weight wrestling in highschool. You can lose weight without losing anything but water. Anyone who has to make weight in sports knows these things.
  • I point this out because when you go on a normal diet that initial water purge will come right back. Don't get frustrated when that happens and think your gaining weight. You can lose weight doing a diet like this but don't think those first day pounds are real. Don't count them.
  • "After one day and two shakes I'm down 3.1 lbs. That's unbelievable to me since it took me six weeks to lose 3 lbs. on Weight Watchers. I do have a slight headache though (low sugar?) probably." Whenever you have weight loss like this when you change up your diet its almost always just water weight. Its like with the low…