

  • I think you need to listen to yourself and do not ignore the red flags! If you are unhappy, leave. People don't usually change and it really isn't fair to expect him to. Don't make the mistake of being in a relationship where you are unhappy. You don't need to be with someone. Do some things by yourself, plan the trips, go…
  • Hi Ed! You can do this. I know from experience how hard it is to quit smoking. If you did that, there is nothing you can't do! Stick around here and get help! It seems to work.
  • Hi! We can motivate others if you want. I just started too. This is going to be a great year and we can do this. I just know it. Good luck!
  • Mine probably wont help either but I am in the same shape you are only I am about 10 years older. My advice? If you want to change it, do it now. Don't find excuse after excuse like me and then be sorry 10 years later. I wish I could go back to where I realized that I needed to change and really do it. This is your time.…