

  • As a mom of two grown sons who would try just about anything (and was a daycare mom for 8 years) I have to say that it's okay to not make an issue of food. I found the best result was to make whatever it is you want (healthy food), put some of everything you are eating on their plate and just let it go. If they eat the…
  • Well for one, don't give up. For two, change up what you eat. Try new and different produce, lay off the nuts if you're eating them (and peanut butter and bread) and try for an organic whole foods diet for awhile with new and different recipes. If you're drinking alcohol that will play a huge roll. Get some herring, top…
  • New to my fitness but I landed on this group, because my goal is to eat clean (whole non processed foods) and it's been going really well for about a week. But I'm looking to reach out a little. I'm 43 years old (I know my profile says 44 but I made an error which is okay because I might as well let myself accept this…