

  • I would say yes, you need to eat more. I used to do WW, also, and found that I always lost more if I ate toward the maximum points instead of toward the minimum. Now I try to hit it within 100 calories under my allotment plus what I earn from exercise, and I'm losing more. I have a friend that also found she lost more when…
  • Don't worry about your time yet, which seems pretty good anyway. Just get out there and enjoy it!
  • Do the 5 K!! I walk 5 and 10 Ks, and so long as you don't have any health problems, you'll do fine. If you are already running over 2 miles, and the the 5 K is in April, you will be ready. When I walked my first 5K I was only walking 3 miles once a wk at a mall, and the 5K I walked in was up and down hills. Terrain makes a…