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CookingMamaAUS Member


  • Oats (especially oatmeal made from steel cut oats) are a brilliant food for breastfeeding mums. Oatmeal fills you up, it's low GI and high in fibre. It helps to stabilise blood sugars and some people say it helps with breastmilk production, especially if you add in a teaspoon of brewer's yeast. So if you're not able to sit…
  • Be kind to yourself. It takes 6 weeks to even recover fully from birth. A lack of sleep makes doing even the most basic tasks difficult. Take your time, eat food that will nourish you and your baby. Walk with your baby. There is plenty of time for more strenuous exercise when your baby is older and you have more energy.…
  • Two bras is the way - a really supportive sports bra, then a tight crop over the top.
  • I think cold cooked potato is also a good source of resistant starch. So make yourself some lovely cold new potato salad (with the skins on) with a vinaigrette or lemon dressing instead of mayonnaise.
  • I found breastfeeding made me very hungry a lot of the time, so I think calorie counting while you're breastfeeding is important just to make sure you're not overeating, and sticking to nourishing food instead. You can lose weight when you're not feeding and your hormones have settled down - for now just focus on nutrition…
  • It's really common to put on weight when you're breastfeeding. Everyone tells you that it's great for losing weight, but no one tells you that it makes you ravenously hungry all the time! I had the same problem and it's only by logging everything into MFP and using it to help me make better food choices that the weight has…
  • Don't worry about the special detergent, and avoid using fabric softener. That stuff is unnecessary and is more likely to cause smells to build up in your fabrics. Just use a small amount of laundry detergent, and if your gear is a bit smelly wash in warm water and with an extra rinse or pre-wash cycle. If you can, dry in…
  • Boxties and Stout
  • Log everything - it's hard to make excuses when you see how many calories there are in all the little snacks. I had a similar problem with eating toddler leftovers! Perhaps you can allow yourself one treat a day, such a a biscuit with your tea, or a square of slice with lunch, or encourage the candy pushers to try some…
  • Whole fruit contains wonderful amounts of fibre. You have to chew and chew an apple to eat it, you can't inhale it like a handful of gummi bears. Eat your fruit whole, with the skin on when possible, and you will have a tasty sweet snack that gives you energy, fills you up and keeps you regular. Note that all the benefits…
  • Don't drink your calories. Amazing how many extra calories you can save by drinking tea and water.
  • I think the only evidence with regard to eating breakfast is that people who regularly don't eat breakfast tend to overeat later in the day, often on higher calorie foods. The stuff about kickstarting your metabolism is pseudo-science. Your metabolism works almost as much when you're asleep as when you're awake - your…
  • Beef jerky, boiled egg, tin of tuna or salmon. Look up some recipes that use the protein powder to replace flour and make some high protein mini muffins or brownies that you can enjoy with a cup of tea . Remember with treats, portion size is key! A mini muffin is just the right size to have a mouthful or two of yumminess,…
  • Making a major change to your diet is bound to have some effects that you aren't used to. Might be a good idea to go visit your doctor, and show them your diary from the last few days. They can check out things like your blood sugars and blood pressure, and can tell you if there's anything you should adjust that will help…
  • I did it! I did the whole 20min interval today and finished week 5. I am so proud today.
  • I've been doing timed intervals using the Podrunner Intervals podcasts (it has a C25K version). Doing a mixture of outdoor runs and indoor on the treadmill. I've started before, but this time I've been consistent with the 3x a week and I'm up to Week 5 day 3 tomorrow. Not sure I'll be able to do the 20 minutes, but I'll be…
  • I won't post all the recipes because they are easy enough to google, but you don't have to eat it raw - cook it and enjoy it! Saag curry with lamb or paneer cheese Spinach frittata Wilted Spinach and mushrooms on toast with poached egg And for something spicy: http://www.noobcook.com/sambal-kangkong/ (Stir fried spinach…
  • Don't worry about it until you have the results of the second test. It's quite common for people to register a "high" level on a test taken at some random time in the day, but have a perfectly normal fasting test first thing in the morning, or after a glucose challenge. Joint pain can have a wide range of causes, I'm sure…
  • Q1 - Your legs are going to rub if you get sweaty. Can happen anywhere, and happens in lots of different sports, regardless of how fit you are. http://egopharm.com/our-products/silic15/silic-15-cream-and-lotion/ This stuff is the best. It helps stop your skin rubbing, and it also helps if you have some chafing there and…
  • Make friends with one of those big muscly types - I'm sure you'll find a guy who will be more than happy to spot you while you lift, encourage you, and talk your ear off about his training regime. You'll have a new training buddy and silly insecure girl will be so green with envy that she'll have to go bother someone else.…
  • Stevia wouldn't work. The purpose of adding sugar to pizza dough is to give the yeast something to eat, so that they can produce carbon dioxide to rise the dough quickly. Agave might work, honey works fine and has a lovely flavour. The majority of calories in pizza dough are coming from the flour, not the sugar added to…
  • Don't worry about clean eating - it's silly and there are so many rules to it (and different ones depending on who's selling it to you) that you're just going to get upset and fail when you can't stick to it. It's a fad, just like all the others. Best advice? Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Easy to stick to, healthy…
  • Definitely not! But once you start to eat to a calorie restricted diet, you work out pretty quickly that while you *can* eat cake, chocolate or deep fried things, they portion size you have to stick to is so small it's not worth the bother. On the other hand, you can pretty much eat as many green vegetables as you want and…
  • If you want a healthier pizza, consider at what makes "regular" pizza such a high calorie nightmare, and change accordingly. 1. Excess sugar and oil in the pizza dough, and thick crust or worse, stuffed crust base. A thin, crisp base has less dough, and a home made base has less sugar, salt and fat than a commercial one…
  • Rolled oat porridge. Keeps you full for hours. You'll get to lunch before you even realise you're hungry. Wholegrain, high fibre, low fat (if you cook with water or skim milk), cheap, good for heart health...ticks a lot of nutrition boxes.