cbos1215 Member


  • Oct. 3 total: 27,280 steps and 5.17 miles ... good day!!
  • Didn't make it to the gym yesterday, but did walk 3.49 miles at the local park, so this plus the run at boot camp makes me a "happy camper" :) Oct. Goal: 25 miles 10/03 - 5.17 Total - 5.17
  • Off to a good start for my first day in this challenge. Early morning boot camp (boxing) with running in between workouts. Camp is at one of 3 locations, today was at the local high school stadium, working out under the stars, ran a couple miles total on the track around the football field. Racked up 3,310 steps. Will go…
  • Boxing boot camp this morning with some running in between workouts. Worked outdoors at a high school stadium so ran a couple laps around the football field, close to 2 miles. Home having my morning coffee now, will go to the gym later this morning with hubby.
  • I'd like to join. I'm a walker, not a runner, so this will be perfect for me. My step goal is 8,000/day. I also try to walk 1-3 miles each day. This commitment will be my motivator to make sure I'm out and about every day!
  • Boo ... not off to a good start to this challenge. Eye exam this morning, it's been raining so planned to do a treadmill walk at the gym this afternoon (not happening). Personally do not like a day without exercise so time to hit a DVD workout with Leslie Sanzone. Tomorrow will be a better day for me ...
  • Hello all! Well, I am brand new to this challenge, I'm not a runner but I love to walk and I could walk for miles while listening to my playlists. I do love to challenge myself, basically have to keep my body moving. I am a 70 year old great grandmother who does boot camp for an hour every M-W-F beginning at 5:30 a.m. My…
  • It's a powdered peanut butter that you can sprinkle over fruit for a very satisfying snack!
    in pb2 Comment by cbos1215 January 2013
  • Hummus is wonderful with veggies for a snack, and it also comes in different flavors now. We most always have the original in our house, but occasionally have purchased other flavors. It's hard to describe what hummus takes like...but it's good, very good!
  • You're doing fantastic...I can only hope I'm as successful as you have been! Keep up the good work!
  • Hello ~ I am 65 years and the term "the older you get, the harder it is to lose" speaks true in my case. I think I'm pretty active with water aerobics, playing horseshoes, dancing, golfing, walking...but no matter how active I was or how I watched my food intake, my scale just kept going up. So I'm here to see if I can…