

  • Matzie, when you excercise, try working out in intervals (adjusting walking speed or whatever your cardio choice is) so that you're increasing your heart rate, then letting it drop back slowly, then increasing it again... I'm 51 and have been doing this for a couple months now (1 minute fast/1 minute slow -…
  • I'm 51. Have had PCOS since age 23 because of my weight. High BP and cholesterol, heartburn, Type 2 Diabetes and arthritis. I'm not sure the arthritis is purely from the weight. I've had lower (lumbar) surgery and cervical (neck) fusion. I dont carry around alot of fat in my neck so not sure how the weight would have…
  • I really dont like having to limit myself to salads. They can be pretty high in calories depending on what you put on it. Add dressing and its even worse. I've been enjoying Cracker Barrell. Most of their food items are in the database so its very easy to calculate calories. Being diabetic, I have to watch carbs too so its…
  • Most of the advice I've seen here so far has been sound. I'm just going to tell you what I've done and how it’s been working. I'm 51 and weighed 267 on Jan. 1. I'm diabetic and my blood glucose was approaching dangerously serious. I had to make a change. Doc said I was prime candidate for stroke, heart attack, etc... So,…
  • Hi! I'm a Christian as well. My goal is to have my weight loss be a testimony for Him. I'm 51 and have been overweight since age 14. I've lost before but I always gave up. I too am on day 22 and going strong. I also need to lose about 100 pounds. This time its different. I've given this problem to Jesus. I know I cant do…