What's your physical aliments- due to being over weight.



  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Other than I've been treated for high cholesterol, high bp, low bp, type 2 diabetes .. all which have been improved ..
    (have pcos which I understand isn't fixable w/o a hystorectomy)
    I have the unlikely fixable things .. my back (a fall in 87+ genetic flaw) causes me much displeasure. I hurt both
    knees some years back due to my weight then and hurt both ankles severely, which included casts.but I was actually
    trying to be fit when that happened which put me in a setback to lose the massive amt I needed to lose.

    I also developed a side effect that was from a choloestrol med, they tested me and said it was
    carpal tunnel but took me off the cholesterol med because I think they weren't certain it was the true cause.
    The carpal tunnel .. numbness comes/goes but several years off that med it has improved so idk really.
    I have a bunch wrong but getting to a smaller weight will benefit my body greatly.

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with PCOS...what a frustrating syndrome! Please don't let anyone convince you a hysterectomy is the cure for PCOS. Even after menopause women have symptoms because so many body systems are affected. You may need medical intervention (due to endometrial hyperplasia or for fertility issues), but I wouldn't let a hysterectomy be my first solution. PCOS is thought to be caused by an insensitivity to insulin (also tied into your diabetes). The excess insulin can cause androgen production which then causes those lovely "male" side effects (acne, facial hair, male pattern baldness, weight gain etc.) The effects on your ovaries (multiple cysts) are caused by this hormone imbalance...not the other way around. It's definitely harder to lose the weight because your body reacts differently to food and tends to store fat, but if you can improve your diet and exercise it will help. Best of luck! :)
    kelhun1, I don't plan to get one. My HMO is useless. I used to have one that was very educated and the current one I wouldn't trust to remove a sliver. Sad, it's our only option thru my hubby employer. I know about those unwanted hairs, hate 'em. lol
    I'm actually surprised I've lost a lot of my lower belly area, this I thought would never happen but since fighting this weight, my pcos has been beating me up too.Thank you for your reply and insight. Pcos isn't uncommon these days.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    sore knes, shortness of breath reaching over my gut to tie shoes.
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Knee pain ....endometriosis (not sure if caused by weight or not but doctors always said all symptoms related would improve with weight loss)
  • FitToBeKim
    FitToBeKim Posts: 85 Member
    I snored so loud !! It was awful !! Not anymore !

    Reflux (prescription) not anymore !

    Fatigue (still have that)

    Bad knees (Getting much better)

    Sore joints (gone)

    Aches all over (gone)

    High BP (not anymore)

    High Cholesterol (not anymore)

    Irritable Bowel syndrome (severe) Gone !!

    Out of breath Gone !

    too many to list......

    Losing weight and eating right, and continuing to lose weight (not at goal) has helped me in so many ways !!
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    high cholesterol
    back pain (maybe, I have spondylothesis and scoliosis, so not sure how much pain is from that and how much is aggravating by the extra weight I am carrying.. but I am sure it wouldn't hurt as much if I wasn't carrying this much extra weight)
  • I'm 51. Have had PCOS since age 23 because of my weight. High BP and cholesterol, heartburn, Type 2 Diabetes and arthritis. I'm not sure the arthritis is purely from the weight. I've had lower (lumbar) surgery and cervical (neck) fusion. I dont carry around alot of fat in my neck so not sure how the weight would have affected my cervical spine. Dr. calls it spinal stenosis. My father had very severe arthritis as did my maternal grandmother so thinking thats more genetic.

    Since January 1 2013 I've lost 30 pounds and still have 70 to go. I too am a work in progress. But, since losing the 30 pounds, I've reduced my insulin by half, I'm only taking heartburn meds as needed (which is rarely at this time) rather than everyday. My next doc appointment is in June so I am curious to see how my BP and cholesterol are doing. Would love to get off that stuff too. Was taking 800mg ibuprofren daily but am not taking any now. I still have pain but its not severe and it improves with the excercise.

    For those of you with PCOS, about 8 years ago I discovered that Metformin (a diabetic medication) is used to treat PCOS. When my periods first returned, I spoke with my GYN about it wondering if I was pre-menapausal (I was 43 at that time). He said no, it was because of the Metformin - that its sometimes used to treat PCOS. Though Im not thrilled about having them again, and they can be heavy at times, they are regular and even prior to developing PCOS, I was NEVER regular. The thing that alot of women with PCOS dont know is that if you dont have your cycle regularly, and especially over extened periods (like years in my case), it can put you at an increased risk of developing uteran and/or cervical cancer. If you're not being treated for it, please talk to your doctor!

    Congratulations to those of you who worked hard and have acheived your goals! To those of us still working on it, keep it up! Just reading all these posts makes me want to work even harder to get off these darned medications! Good Luck to All!
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    T2 diabetic - now have completely normal numbers, and only very rarely spike and when I do it's always my own fault by eating far too many carbs.

    I have AJA which had me confined to a wheelchair - I have taken over 100 pounds off my joints so the wheelchair is in retirement (for now at least, it is aggresive and will come back at some point).

    I looked and felt old, now I look so much younger and I feel younger. Life is so much better in more ways that I could possibly describe.
  • Let's see.. where do I start...

    - feet hurt most of the time
    - fatigue
    - hard time standing up from a sitting position
    - high cholesterol
    -low energy
    - difficulty tying shoes
    -difficulty breathing (when engaged in any physical activity)
    - feeling shame
    -difficulty finding cloths that fit properly and look decent
    Etc... etc....

    I am 4 feet 11 inches and about 45 lbs overweight.
    Thankfully, I've lost 8 lbs. so far and am feeling much
    better- especially since I've started to exercise faithfully.

    I thank God for MFP. It has been a tremendous tool in helping me to get healthy:smile:
  • Currently being treated w/ high bp, close to age 50 and going through perimenopause, and need to lose about 40 lbs. Any advice from anyone on how to get my bp down in the normal range without the help of meds?????? I don't want high bp, nor do I want to be taking hp meds all of my life.
    Matzie, just diet & fitness. Destress and eliminate packed foods and excess sodium. It can be done. :)
    Matzie, when you excercise, try working out in intervals (adjusting walking speed or whatever your cardio choice is) so that you're increasing your heart rate, then letting it drop back slowly, then increasing it again... I'm 51 and have been doing this for a couple months now (1 minute fast/1 minute slow - treadmill/eliptical). Not only is my BP lower but my resting heart rate is lower as well. I've also seen I can hold my faster speeds longer than before and my heart rate gets back to normal faster. Its all about buiding endurance and building that heart muscle. Best of all is (though not yet pre-menopausal) I'm not sweating nearly as much when just doing normal everyday activities - like cooking dinner! Good Luck to you!
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    I'd forgotten from my first post, I also suffered from bad snoring, and sleep apnea. I had to have it checked and the specialist said I was stopping breathing for 30 seconds throughout the duration of the night. That has now gone from losing weight.

    The pain between my shoulder blades when walking, has gone as my boobs have reduced from a 56 JJ to 34 E.

    I'm off all tablets now as my BP 160/70 and cholesterol 3.4 are both in normal range. I believe that's purely down to walking everyday for 1 hour. My parents both had high cholesterol and blood pressure (neither had a weight problem), but their life styes were sedentary, and that's the key..... I truly believe.

    The consequences of my weight problem after being heavy for most of my life, is the wear and tear on my joints. My knees are the worst, and I've just had my MRI scan results back, and the damage is irreversible. They are going to start with cortisone injections to take the pain away, but i will be looking at knee replacements in the future. If you are young, as I'm 54 now, please, please, please get your weight off now, or you too could look forwards to ending up in a wheelchair.
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    Let's see. Yes, the snoring. Walking up hills was a struggle.

    After 40kg weight loss.....

    Foot/ankle problems - walking too much and bouncing up and down on it.

    The depression, sleep problems, etc. - no change.

    Up hill walks less of a struggle on the lungs.

    Would I swap it ? No

    Would I lose weight differently ? ABSOLUTELY ! Slower, Add in strength training, skip the running / bouncing stuff and listen to when my body says "you are in pain - stop what you are doing".
  • YolieCreator
    YolieCreator Posts: 173 Member
    I haven't been to a doctor, so don't know if there are problems that I'm just unaware of. I have lower back pain from time to time. When I sit on the floor for more than 5 minutes my legs go to sleep and its really painful. With my chest being so big I get a lot of skin irritation. I've been lucky for the most part. Not too too many issues
  • jendy67
    jendy67 Posts: 43
    Golly where do I start
    Bad lower back & Ankles
    Easily tired
    Inflamed joints
    Low Self Esteem (Ok not medical but def weight related)
    Lack of libido

    Thats all I can think of for now.
    Gee's I'm a mess!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    :cry: high blood pressure and snoring

    there's also the tendency to daydream about hot wings and nachos and sometimes find myself wanting to drop everything i'm doing to go get some wings and nachos :blushing:
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Had high blood pressure, but was in denial about it. Normal now.

    I'm told I snored quite badly, which has gone now.

    Getting up in the early hours of the morning to pee. Every. Single. Night. Used to drive me insane. That stopped after about 15kg (30lbs).

    Periods stopped for about five years, now restarted (erratically, though, which is normal for me).
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    We all seem to be suffering from the same things here, I think one can say its related to over weight.

    YOU are ABSOLUTELY, 100% WRONG! Obesity as well as these diseases come from the TYPE of foods eaten! These and all disease conditions are the result of eating High Acid food...This and ONLY this causes Disease, that is why if one does not change their diet for good disease returns. Skinny, very active people also have these types of diseases...food choices! When you choose High Alkaline, natural foods the Body will right itself, inclusive of weight.
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I broke my back man...... :( Reason why I started to lose weight
  • cymro81
    cymro81 Posts: 6 Member
    Where do I start? At thirty one I feel like my body is punishing me for having been over weight for the last ten years. Here are my ailments:

    Runner's knee (ironic or what???!!!)
    Lower back pain
    Regular stomach upset
    Spider veins

    The last one was my wake up call as mum has been diabetic for over 30 years (not from being overwieght I must add) and I have seen what she goes through on a daily basis, behind closed doors. She takes it all in her stride but has numerous problems that have come from diabetes.

    So my journey continues :)
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I ached. My back was constantly painful - my knees painful. I forgot about the pain because I was so used to it.

    I was tired constantly. Walking was exhausting, I hated stairs.

    Snoring. All. THE. TIME.

    After 59lbs weight loss;

    More energy. No snoring. Fitter. Actively seek hills and stairs!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Painful knees and lower back. It's getting better though.
    Otherwise I'm extremely healthy. I'm not going to wait to develop serious issues however, This is coming OFF.

    yeah I have to add stretched out skin. I don't have a ton to lose, but it's not snapping back like it did when I was younger.