

  • A so far is sound advice. I found that even after doing the c25k program, hydrating, stretching, etc... I was still having problems with sore knees and sometimes shin splints. I ended up reading an article on different shoe-tying techniques that will help combat the pain. After changing how I tie my running shoes (high…
  • Last night I cute chicken breasts into strips (like a tenderloin, just didn't have any on hand) and rolled them in brown sugar mixed with chili powder. Then I wrapped a piece of bacon around them and put a little more of the brown sugar mixture over the top. I cooked it in the oven (375 for about 20 minutes or so) and then…
  • I'm halfway down to my goal and it's only been 3 1/2 months. What I've contributed to my success: Body by vi shakes. Being consistent about logging my meals & exercises and staying well below my daily calorie goal (after exercise). Running AND strength training. I found running was great but the strength training is what…
  • 45 minutes of zumba this morning and then after lunch I ran out to the Fort and back with my dog. Per the calculations on my running app, I averaged 5.3 mph (which felt about right for my pace). Not to mention I was on my feet all day helping with school activities.
  • Today was 45 minute run, 12 minute brisk walk and 25 minutes cycling. Not as brutal as some of my days, but still a good cardio workout.
  • 16 minutes of uphill walking with 25 min run followed by 40 minutes of weights then 30 minutes spinning.
  • Okay, I'll "play". Today (3/4) was my first time in a zumba class. 45 minutes of zumba with about 15 minutes of weight/ab work after that. Then it appears that wasn't enough for me because I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes.
  • The app is LOLO treadmill - beatburn treadmill/outdoor trainer
  • I did it and LOVED it! I'm a slower runner (5.5mph) and the program has you running (by the end) a 10min mile (6mph) to reach the 5k mark in 30 min. I just kept with it and am now doing the next app - training for the 10k. Last week was the first time I ran a full mile at 6mph. I did it 3 times with a 2 min walk in between…
  • I just finished the program a few weeks ago! I loved it! Now I'm doing the 10k app that comes after that. Have a great time with it! I wasn't a runner at all - have always hated it. But now I'm running at least 4 miles a morning thanks to the training from c25k!
  • Me too. I didn't get a cold last week - it was allergies. But I couldn't breathe through my nose if my life depended on it. Got on the treadmill and that exercise just opens me up completely. I don't see why being congested should hinder your ability to get to the gym unless you're still coughing along with it.
  • I'm new here but thought I'd check in. I'm 5'8" and just lost my first 6 pounds in 2 weeks. Currently I'm 169. I started the body by vi challenge at the beginning of the year and took photos then, so as soon as my 90 days is over, I'll post my before and after pics. :) I must say, I'm rather pleased with myself. I've been…
  • I cleaned houses for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. I lost 30 pounds doing it. I did NO other exercises at that time so I know that it was because of the workout I was getting while cleaning houses. That being said, I do put down cleaning as my workout when I do non-stop cleaning of my own home (usually Saturdays). and as…