

  • I have started to consider barefoot running. I have a couple pairs of vibrams and been using them more frequently. It takes time to get used to, but it is worth a try. I was thinking about using them on my short run days and speed days. I would wear regular running shoes for long runs. Have you had your gait analyzed?
  • 1. I think what you are doing is fine. Balancing cardio and weights is a good thing. It doesn't have to be a perfect amount of time for either, just doing both regularly is the important part. 2. Lifting weights at a deficit-there is something to be said about this. You have to make sure you are eating enough to build…
  • I workout mid-afternoon, but in your case I would definitely pick the morning! It is very tough getting motivated in the morning, but you can do it. Start small and build up. Start by saying I am waking up early and making coffee, or breakfast. Then say I am going to put on my workout clothes. Then maybe walk, then go for…
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