Thats awesome!!! What part of Saskatchewan are u from? You must like it down there if your still there, I dont think I could move this is my comfort zone I guess. Well I'll add u first if I figure out how, LOL. Good luck!
Thx so much!! Ive meet countless numbers of ppl from back east they are awesome ppl!!
LOL thats funny. I was just in Calgary two weeks go, but Im not sure about the accent. Right now its terrible weather here so Im not going out of my house if I dont have to!! Ive kinda set up my own room here in the computer room where I can do my situps and what not. Im actually wanting to get one of those exercise balls…
I was just in Calgary 2 weeks ago I love it there. But Im a small town kinda girl. Thx for your comment and good luck!
Ive always been trying to do the "water" thing, because everywhere and everyone is always talking about the 8 glasses a day. And now I am a believer. I find if Im not drinking water Im always looking for something to put in my mouth......and my mouth always feels dry. So Im a believer now too!!
Hey there!! One of my friends is actually going on this weitght loss journey with but she lives 6 hours away from me!!! And all of my other friends are skinny Im here also if you ever need someone to vent to.........LOL!!
Thx so much!! It was my weigh in today and Ive lost 3 lbs!!! Its so great to see results and it gives you confidence that it can be done!! Good luck to everyone also!!
I think that having support is one of the main ways to reach goals. My husband is supporting me but I thing I need some women to support me.........LOL.........they know what Im talkn about!! So if anyone needs someone to chat with or let me know Im not the only one that would be great!!!
Im so excited to lose weight!! I have 3 wonderful children, 11,7, and 4 mths. Now that I am done having children I would like to feel more comfortable in my own body. Ive always wanted to lose weight but never have stayed commited. Tomorrow it will be a week for me, Ive began to eat healthier and try to burn more calories…