bluebug2013 Member


  • Very reasonable goal in fact a lot of people do a 10K and 6 months later have done a half marathon. Though the time scale depends on how healthy you are. There are lots of programs out there e.g. runners world, bupa, but the general aim is to do one long run a week at steady pace. Some programs do increasing time while…
  • Not true for every woman. I lose weight from my back, then stomach, then arms etc and finally my thighs. It's actually annoying to have an upper body two dress sizes smaller than your lower body.
  • Get out a tape measure and measure your waist, hips and your left thigh. Record the measurements with todays date. Next month do the same. Do this every month until you get to your desired weight. You will probably find that some parts of your body you will be an inch slimmer there as other parts you will only be a quarter…
  • I've worked out at home, in classes, in various sports clubs, in the local streets/park and at the gym over the years. Working out at home: 1. More space restrictions 2. Limited equipment - I have no cardio equipment as I know it would be a clothes horse most of the year 3. Good for doing resistance exercises after working…
  • It's not exercise as such it's just a more active job. The reason I wouldn't count it as exercise is that your movement isn't planned and consistent. I use a pedometer sometimes to see how fast I'm walking. If I walk to a place I am about 2mph faster than if I'm shopping. When I'm shopping I have frequent times when no…
  • Any polar model is fine. I take the calories burnt doing exercise as a rough estimate by any gadget as once you build more muscle, which the 30 day shred helps you do, you will burn more calories.
  • What exercise are you doing? Oh and don't exercise when you are tired you will just make yourself ill.
  • You need to eat the calories you earned. I tried Weight Watcher years ago where they give you a few extra points for exercise. Due to the amount of exercise I started doing I found that the extra points were not enough and started feeling terrible. I came off the diet. While lots of diet plans tell you do be more active…