Cynnalyn Member


  • They're gone now, the flagging bit works. :)
  • I definitely gain muscle on my thighs from incline walking, but it's hardly bulky, it's more like long, streamlined muscle that built up and replaced the fat that I lost from walking and eating right. So if you walk enough, yes you'll gain muscle in your thighs, but it won't make you bulky or add inches.
  • Welcome, and congrats on making changes now. You have youth on your side, and your whole life ahead of you. Don't wait until you're in your 40's, or have diabetes or heart issues, now is the time; sounds like you realize this, which is a great start! You can definitely do this. :) MFP is great at setting up a good 'budget'…
  • I've made turkey meatballs a few times, and prefer them to beef - so good! A coworker brought this meatball soup in to work - you can use something other than pasta if you want to cut the processed carbs, but was really good: Husband has made turkey…
  • Chocolate. Just a tiny piece will do it, and just knowing it's there for me is sometimes enough. Otherwise I start wanting EVERYTHING and will nosh on something ridiculous. Husband got me an advent calender this year with good, dark chocolate in it. I think I might head over to see if they have any left and marked down,…
  • I've looked into this a bit already, as I'm hoping to avoid this if all goes well. From what I've heard, slow loss is key, along with mega hydration and exercise. That said, you're there now (and - huge congrats to you!). Drink plenty of water, 16 cups a day is ideal rather than 8 (most of us walk around nearly dehydrated…