msukjstm Member


  • Porthcawl Here :)
  • Turns out it was just a bit of a stall...had a "whoosh day" and dropped 6lb over night. Seem's to be a recurring theme now. Drops steady for a week or 2, then stalls for 3/4 then a big drop over night (usually after a drink or cheat day)
  • Diary's now open :)
  • I walk 3 miles a day (to and from work) and do an hour of weights followed by a min of 30 mins jogging. Ive dropped 4.5 stone until now but it's really starting to slow up...
  • Thanks for the reply! I know it's worked up until now but I seem to be hitting walls every month or so where I stall for 3/4 weeks then lose a minuscule amount (2/3lbs) and then go back to stalling. Im not sure how else to manage my routine in order to keep the loss moving