

  • thats soooooooo funyyyy!!!! i wish i had the guts to say that to someone goo you!! =]
  • tell me about it i ate a pretty good amount of food cuz im not hungry right now! but i played basketball with some friends and it says i should eat 2,000 extra calories! my target is 1,700
  • I exercised today not because i wanted to but because I just did. [playing basket ball with some friends] so my "diary" says i should eat like 1,000 something more and it's 9:30pm! but the thing is i couldnt even if i tried the Diary says i eat double the amount of sugar then suggested. Honestly, i like this thing it's…
  • ummm... some foods you dont usually eat can freak your body out you may discover that with a little time and experementing you can find out what's causing it however if you need a quick pick me up, watching somthing funny like others suggest is great too :smile:
  • no joke...after a couple of days i started getting comments on how i look thinner. im guessing it's just b/c of my body, that results came quickly.
  • yepp it's true muscle weighs more than fat but also ever heard of the book "you on a diet"? great book! it's gives you inside information on exactly what your body is thinking but back to the point, this book concentrates on the size of your waist vs. the weight of your body.
  • My program suggests eating 1,700 calories a day well today i undereat by... alot and then I exersized for 25 minuites and burned 222 calories yestarday I did the same thing (w/o the exercising) However, Saturday I eat to much by about 600 calories I think this is extremely well...weird Anybody else, with this experience?…
  • yestarday was my 1st day and i had four cheese alfredo really no big deal your just getting started, and drinking water to control cravings works!