DebbyMargaret Member


  • I'm back in...haven't been logging in regularly, no weight loss to report but have slipping back into bad eating habits. It's Monday and I'd like to recommit to healthily eating, regular exercise and level glucose levels. The two have you have done so well and are an inspiration.,
  • I have only suffered from night time leg cramps when my sugar was too high and I haven't exercised. Also low water consumption seems to contribute to leg cramps while exercising. The remedy, for me, is a diet that is balanced nutritionally, eating healthy carbs (whole grains & fruit and no rice, no white…
  • Good morning! I hope your son is well. Initial weigh-in: 160 Week 2: 157.1 Total loss to date 2.9 pounds
  • I am a type 2 diabetic, so genetics may have a different effect. Many of the woman on my maternal side were diabetic. My disease manifested in my forties, earlier than my grandmother who was not overweight, she was diagnosed in her 70s. But At 45, I was overweight by 50 pounds and sedentary; I see that as the contributing…
  • Beginning weight- 160 Week 1- 158 2 lbs weight loss I am also addicted to the scale when I am sticking to a my healthy food plan. I am trying to use the scale only weekly as daily fluctuations are demoralizing. I have to constantly remind myself, the goal is healthy sugar levels not the weight
  • For me, my motivation is to live a long healthy life. As we know, diabetes is a silent disease, when our glucose levels are high, our internal systems -- heart, kidney, nervous and vision-- are slowly being damaged. I will forever have the memory of my grandmother, who lived until age 92, but lost her lower leg due to…
  • January 7: 160 February 18 mid goal: 155 March 13 final goal: 150 I'm ready! I am a yo-yo dieter and was diagnosed diabetic 15 years ago. Over the years, my top weight had even hit 200. Over the 15 months, I lost 20 pounds, motivated by a rise in glucose levels and a determination to not increase my daily dosage of…
  • Looking forward to working with fellow diabetics looking to maintain healthy glucose levels through through diet and exercise. I take a daily dose of janumet as well. The tools that have worked in the past for me were daily logging of food and frequent exercise. I started logging again on New Year's Day (just discovered…
  • Hello, I am a type 2 diabetic ( 10 years) maintaining sugar balance with Janumet, diet and exercise. Just joined MFP as weight has begun to, yet again, creep back. My Best practices for success: 1. logging my food to be the best approach to monitoring my food (MFP is a great interface) 2. Yoga several times a week 3. 3x…