I guess my first step is to get back to logging in my food. Today is Monday - so it's a good day to start. I do think boredom had something to do with my hunger - so I'm hoping work will get busier. Thanks ;)
I love Walden Farms Honey Mustard Salad Dressing. It's yogurt based...I've used it for many years.
Count me in. I do have a question that's been bugging me. I know alot of people on this site say that you'll never loose weight by eating too few calories...but what about all the people who have bariatric surgery - they can only eat very little and the weight falls off of them.
I usually have a spoonful of FF coolwhip to satisfy that sweet craving with a cup of tea
I try to track all week...and give myself a break on weekends. I still try my best to eat healthy on weekends, but it gives me a break from counting every calorie.
FRENCH FRIES, POTATO CHIPS...or any salty snack
Love cottage cheese that comes with pineapple - then I add more fruit to it and top it off with cinnamon...yum:laugh:wink:
Way to you're paying it forward by motivation me!!
I'm 1200 - you can add me!!:wink: