

  • Fruits (Bananas and Apples) - make great between-meal snacks Double fiber whole wheat bread - low in calories, high in fiber and whole grain and tastes just like wheat bread Chicken breast - low fat and high protein Veggies (Carrots and Broccoli) Soups (usually 2.5 servings is only about 250 calories :)
  • Yes you can eat whatever you want. I try to keep my diet at least somewhat balanced between carbs, fat, and protien. Eating 2 Big Macs a day will definitely overload on the fat portion of the diet. Another problem that people typically have is they will eat a piece of cake (or something) that has 1200 calories then they…
  • Calories in, Calories out IS how it works. The problem with a 1100 calorie diet is that it is too low. You've tricked your body into thinking it is starving, so it lowers your metabolism. You gained weight because 1100 is just under the 1200 minimum needed to prevent that, so while you dropped your intake you were still…
  • Why do you think those 2 lbs are coming back? First, you haven't been on the program long enough to worry about minor weight gain. In the short time you've been on MFP, you're on track. Secondly, body weight can fluctuate as much as 5 lbs for no apparent reason. Personally my weight can swing between 1/2 and 2 lbs from…
  • There are certain things you can change in your diet and your doctor should have provided you some guidance. Salmon and flax are really good to help cut out some of the LDL. Eggs, butter and cheese are some of the worst sources of cholesterol so try to avoid consuming much dairy. Obviously fried foods are really bad for…
  • Like others have said, you definitely need to eat more. Minimum 1200 calories or your body thinks it's starving and will drop your metabolism. Then you'll have to eat even less to still lose weight and congrats you now have malnutrition and possibly an eating disorder. If you can't maintain that rate, you'll crash and eat…
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