

  • Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes, im trying hard to eat right but it get stough Im an emotional eater and been feeling bleh so I eat but im trying hard to change that, Nice to meet you all
    in hello Comment by lily08 January 2008
  • well thast really cool, I will add cardio along with my pilates. As the teacher told me taht pilates helps loose inches and tones you up, and my dr told inches are more important than the number on the scale
    in Pilates Comment by lily08 January 2008
  • how much cardio will i need to add to see a difference?
    in Pilates Comment by lily08 January 2008
  • oh wow I love subway and I was shocked to hear how much salt , but ya durr I should have know taht cold cuts are not good for you eek, im really going to be careful now when I go there and watch what U put in my sandwitch, I jsut shared the story with my bf as he just finished eating subway heh im sure he loved reading it…
  • Hello, have any of you done pilates and did it help you loose weight? I jsut recently started a pilates class, will be doing it 3 times a week and was just curious if anone else has done it
    in Pilates Comment by lily08 January 2008
  • Hi I just joined like 10 mins ago,and im really ready to start loosing some weight Im tired of being over weight its time I do something about it. This seems like such a cool place I realy really hope it helps me , my name is lily and hello to eveyrone
    in hello Comment by lily08 January 2008