

  • Hiya! I'm 5'11" SW: around 200, but I hadn't gotten on a scale in so long, it's hard to be positive. CW: about 161 GW: 135 This is a picture taken somewhere around the start of my weight loss, though I guess it was technically before the holidays so I put on a bit more than is shown. This one is more recent, taken in China…
  • I get motivated by looking at pictures at My Body Gallery. It helps put into perspective what people at my height look like at different sizes--I don't know many girls my height so it's always been hard to know how much I want to weigh--and it keeps me focused on where I want to go eventually. I also like reading other…
  • Weekends are the worst, especially when you have to go out and socialize, which usually (let's be honest) happens over food. One thing that works pretty well for me is allowing myself one cheat day throughout the week. Just one day when I don't count calories, don't intentionally try to go out and exercise, and let myself…