

  • Heeeeyyyy!! I did this DVD in Jan, stuck at it everyday for 30 days and lost nearly a stone, however since then i havent used it and havent lost a single lbs or put on any. Back on it now tho, as off last night and my thighs are killing me, worth it in the end tho when you see results. Keep at it everyone, it really does…
    in Level 1 Comment by louwill112 April 2013
  • Heeeeyyyy!! I did this DVD in Jan, stuck at it everyday for 30 days and lost nearly a stone, however since then i havent used it and havent lost a single lbs or put on any. Back on it now tho, as off last night and my thighs are killing me, worth it in the end tho wjhen you see results. Keep at it everyone, it really does…
    in Level 1 Comment by louwill112 April 2013