Level 1

badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
First impressions?
How did it go?
What day are you on?
How long until you switch up?


  • TayaCurragh
    TayaCurragh Posts: 709 Member
    I'm on day 4 today, I'll be doing it in an hour or so. Personally, I found day 3 the hardest so far, so not really looking forward to doing it today :( I really like the dvd, having a proper thing to follow really helps. What I'm finding hard is to push myself once it starts aching and not just going easy on myself, I know it'll help more and it's only 20 mins really..
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I'm on day 4 today, I'll be doing it in an hour or so. Personally, I found day 3 the hardest so far, so not really looking forward to doing it today :( I really like the dvd, having a proper thing to follow really helps. What I'm finding hard is to push myself once it starts aching and not just going easy on myself, I know it'll help more and it's only 20 mins really..

    Yeah, when I tried it out on Saturday I definitely has a mantra going to get me though. It's only 20 minutes, and at the very end GO HARD!

    and then collapse in a sweaty mess.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    I did Level 1 Day 1 today! I'm actually restarting; I had started in early March before but just couldn't stick to it. I'm hoping this group will keep me on my toes and make me pull through and actually finish. That being said, it was definitely hard. But afterwards, I really felt great and I'm so glad I'm starting up again. I'm hoping this will really make a difference in my body.
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    First impressions? Watching the video: ohh I got this

    How did it go? Please excuse me: $&#%*. What the heck was I thinking...OMG if I pass out please let someone find me!! I finished the 1st day.

    What day are you on? Day 1

    How long until you switch up? I'll keep going until I've done 30 days!

    Sweating like a Pig living near the equator!

    Question: I have a foot injury and jumping jacks are out of the question any suggestions??
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    First impressions? I did it on Saturday, but I definitely thought it looked way easier than it actually is.
    How did it go? Great! My roommate was home, so I made her do it with me. My thighs were still burning from before, but I can't wait until I can get deeper into my lunges, and squats (I miss my fit-butt)
    What day are you on? I'm calling ti Day 1, since before was just a teaser
    How long until you switch up? I'm going to do 6 days of Level 1, and then move up. (I'm aiming for four days a week, but hopefully I can add more!)
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    I don't think I realized how out of shape I was until i was panting heavily saying for the love of god more!? and I did find myself having to take breaks because I was so out of breath and convinced i was dying, I may have just laid there comfortably on the floor before starting crunches, but I'm not giving up, and I'm sure i'll hurt tomorrow, but that won't stop me!
  • Bicycle crunches are a cruel joke, right? Like, I'm not the only one with wildly waggling legs up there, am I? My revised goal is to correctly do 1 bicycle crunch. Not in 30 days, but like, in my life.

    Today is my day 2 and it was way tougher than yesterday because I was already sore. I play squash 2-3x a week so my arms are way more used to being used than my poor leggies... they do not like lunges... oww.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    There is something pretty sinister about how she says something about feeling a knot in your core, and at that very moment the bicycle crunches seem 1000x harder.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Level 1 Day 1 done last night - I did have to take some breaks and bicycle crunches are not happening yet, gotta work on that! But I am hoping by day 7 or 8 I can do the whole video without a single break

    I play to do Level 1 until I can get through it easily, then switch to Level 2 - Hoping it only takes the 10 days but we shall see
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Level 1 day 1 done this morning!!! I could not start yesterday as my kids hide the remote to get internet on the tv.... But I got it today!! I have already completed this in 30 days in January.. Feels good to be back on board!
  • Heeeeyyyy!!

    I did this DVD in Jan, stuck at it everyday for 30 days and lost nearly a stone, however since then i havent used it and havent lost a single lbs or put on any. Back on it now tho, as off last night and my thighs are killing me, worth it in the end tho wjhen you see results.

    Keep at it everyone, it really does work.

  • Heeeeyyyy!!

    I did this DVD in Jan, stuck at it everyday for 30 days and lost nearly a stone, however since then i havent used it and havent lost a single lbs or put on any. Back on it now tho, as off last night and my thighs are killing me, worth it in the end tho when you see results.

    Keep at it everyone, it really does work.

  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Day 2 completed..didn't pass out lol. Much better workout then yesterday :)
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    I found day 2 to be so much easier, my arms are killing me now, but I managed to get through the entire video, with just taking a couple breaks when I was pretty sure I was dying haha, i'm actually looking forward to tomorrow!
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Finished day 2 level 1 today - it hurt SO BAD. (I also walked 6k last night and 6k tonight on top of that)
    I've heard it gets easier once you get to around day 4. Can't wait until then!!!!
  • carmelgrace
    carmelgrace Posts: 10 Member
    Did Day 1 of 30 Day Shred last night and went to KokoFitClub for weight work out (30) minutes. A bit sore. Hung my motivation pants up in front of the tv while i did the work out. Think about taking them everywhere with me - sounds kooky but so want to get in them!
    Looking forward to Day 2 of Level 1 later today!
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Week 1/Day 2: I'm really proud of my work out today! I made the most out of all the moves (still finding lunges hard) and powered through to the end.

    I did dumbbell rows properly, so I felt them. And modified the chest flys so I felt them (small and slow pulses). I need to make the most of the next two days because I don't know if I will be able to workout very hard this weekend as I am gong to be nurseing a new tattoo.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I just finished day 1, level 1...have done it before but it's been a while. My knees hurt doing the squats so I did very little bend in leg but that was the hardest. I like the punches the most and the squats the least.
    What I do love about the 20 minutes, is that it is too short to do a great deal of change, but enough to start seeing things if you stick with it and eat well.

    I like how she combines body parts too, it helps get it done faster and keeps the heart rate up.
  • TayaCurragh
    TayaCurragh Posts: 709 Member
    Well done everyone :) i finished day 5 today (1/6 of the way through!!) and already I'm feeling my fitness improving, the first day I had to rest for a a long while after but I no longer have to as much :) The thigh ones are the worst, they always ache the morning after!
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I just finished day 1, level 1...have done it before but it's been a while. My knees hurt doing the squats so I did very little bend in leg but that was the hardest. I like the punches the most and the squats the least.
    What I do love about the 20 minutes, is that it is too short to do a great deal of change, but enough to start seeing things if you stick with it and eat well.

    I like how she combines body parts too, it helps get it done faster and keeps the heart rate up.

    My friend who is a personal trainer told me when doing squats, if you're having trouble put a chair behind you and DON'T sit on it (i.e. push up before you hit the seat. A lot of times my knees hurt when I am over-extending my knees, and that helps me a lot.