

  • I started with the reintroduction of soy this week. Had a soup with soy in it. Tomorrow boca burger. I would never think of having an allergic reaction to soy-we shall see. I have definitely noticed a reduction in bloated, gassy feelings over these three weeks. I need to lose a lot, so it will be a while before my clothes…
  • I bought Vega One all in one nutritional shake Vanilla Chai powder and made my first shake today. Wanted a change from the pea protein powder/hemp/chia seeds I've been doing. The Vanilla Chai has a very strong flavor. Tomorrow I will try half vanilla chai/half pea protein.
  • I am on day 20. My digital scale can vary by a few pounds. Does anybody else have this problem?
  • Hearing from a few other people (including myself) a huge craving for something at this point seems typical. I don't want to beat myself up for eating half a box of wheat thins--just want to realize what happened and keep moving forward. Good luck!
  • I have been eating an avocado every day for the last several days--I wonder if my body is wanting this because of the extreme drop in the amount of fat I eat? Anyway, an avocado with black beans and salsa is making me happy!
  • Starting day 4. I feel better- more energy and less fuzzy. I am getting used to the shakes and have not been tempted to slip.
  • I started yesterday, too.
  • We are using Now Foods Pea Protein. I got some vanilla flavored hemp powder at Trader Joes and that is helping the taste. Coconut milk and raspberries. She bought flax today so I imagine that will be in tomorrows shake. I also added a couple of ice cubes to mine and that really helped. I didn't like how thick it was…
  • My mother bought the book and asked me to do it with her. We started today. I bought the protein powder and she is making our shakes. The plan is for me to stop by and pick up my shake. I am working on my first one. I have never done any kind of diet like this before and this shake is nothing I would choose to drink. I…