CheriePTC Member


  • Thanks for the micro popcorn cooking tip, sounds a lot cheaper than store bought and I would imagine it's healthier with less calories and salt.
  • Wow, I think you are right, once you get beyond the first few weeks eating clean is all a state of mind. I'm 35 pounds into a 100 pound weight loss and recovering from a heart attack and open heart surgery. It's been a hell of a few months but I'm determined to get there.
  • I would love to join the group!
  • I was thinking about yoga but I'm afraid at my age with so many pounds to loose (almost 100) I will not be able to keep up! I thought about "Yoga for old people" but someone told me that those types of classes are for people "older than me". BTW, the picture is way old, I haven't looked like that in 30 years but it…
  • I just joined the site today. I'm 52 and I lost 50 pounds at the beginning of 2012 and by New Years Eve put it all back on, arghhhhhh! I absolutely think it's harder to loose weight as you get older. Everything is sagging or lagging, need a jump start to feel like a human again.