Anyone here over 50?



  • Half way to 50, woohoo
  • Hello! I'm 46 and have gained 27 pounds in the last two years. I'm finding it harder than ever before to lose the weight and I feel discouraged already. Being older now I guess unfortunately we will have to work our *kitten* off to drop each pound - it ain't gonna come easy. Arg!!!!
  • CheriePTC
    CheriePTC Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm 55. I began gaining weight when I had to stop running at age 47 due to knee problems. I took up yoga, and I HIGHLY recommend it for the over-50 crowd. It works out every single muscle in your body, including the upper body, without the boring weightlifting in the gym dominated by young people. Start with a beginning class if you have never done it before, because when you start you feel like you are dying. Stick it out, and after about 5 classes you will feel and look better. I joined this site because I have gained about 10 pounds after taking on a new job and drinking too much wine in the evenings. Maintaining your weight after 50 takes constant vigilance -- and that is how I gained 10 pounds. :happy:

    I was thinking about yoga but I'm afraid at my age with so many pounds to loose (almost 100) I will not be able to keep up! I thought about "Yoga for old people" but someone told me that those types of classes are for people "older than me".

    BTW, the picture is way old, I haven't looked like that in 30 years but it inspires me!

    Anyone in the same situation who is involved in yoga, your comments on the type and intensity would be appreciated!
  • bar4872
    bar4872 Posts: 5
    Hi - I'm just joining MFP and I am 55. Never had a serious problem with weight until I hit 50 and menopause. I gained 30 lbs that year, and now it's a constant struggle and I've had very little success losing the weight. I've also started to develop the issues that were mentioned like high BP, muscular-skeletal problems and the like. Would like to reverse this trend and get healthy and strong again. I would like to get and receive support in this group. My goal is more energy, more strength in my limbs, and to go from 185 to around 160 (I'm 5.8"). Think it can be done??? Thanks - I'm looking forward to being part of this community!
  • moonflower62
    moonflower62 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree it is harder! I'm 50 soon to be 51! I was 189 about 5 years ago and it has been hard to lose. I'm finally at 150 and want to lose 10 more. Not easy at all!
  • I am going on 52. The hormone changes, I think, have made weight loss a bit more challenging. I am told that getting the hormones back in balance is essential for weight loss at this stage of life. I'm workin' on it!
  • silvercanoe
    silvercanoe Posts: 95 Member
    bump to read later
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm over 50--almost 59. and it is harder. Women burn fewer calories post-menopause. and even more, there are the years of losing weight and regaining that end up losing us some muscle, making it tougher to lose the next time. But we can do it. We have to do it. We're at the age where musculoskeletal problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and other serious maladies will come visiting if we're packing a lot of extra pounds. So, yes, sympathy for us, but no excuses. WSe just have to work harder and more persistently, and with the wisdom of years :) and the internal strength it brings...and with buddies we'll find here...I feel quite certain we can and will do it.

    SO TRUE! I am 60 years old and am having a lot of the health issues mentioned above and more. I have lost 87 lbs so far. Yes, it was harder than ever and also for all the reasons mentioned above. I have found I have had to exercise more and reduce my calories even more than before but it is doable and I find I have even more knowledge than before about how to eat right and what is right for me so age is a plus in that sense. Also having to reduce my caloric intake more, has caused me to eat more healthy giving up junk foods, excess sugar, artificial sweeteners, etc. While my caloric intake is low, my diet is full of foods...nutritious foods, so it has forced me to get better eating habits that I hope will remain with me even after I have reached my goal weight. Good luck to you!
  • JaneAero
    JaneAero Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, Im 53 , will be 54 end of October, I was slim all my life until around 40 when the weight crept up, I half heartedly dieted a few times the last few years but this time Im determined. Im 5ft 4, my start weight ,approx 8 weeks ago (dieting at home before joining MFP) was 226lbs/16stone and now 2 months later Im 208lbs/14st.11lbs , so ive lost 18lbs/1st.3lbs in 8 weeks which is approx 2lbs a week on average, which is great.

    I joined MFP about a week ago and during this last week Ive lost a 1lb, this is because ive been told to stick to 1200 a day minimum whereas before I joined MFP I only ate when I was hungry, some days I might not be hungry. I know im not supposed to go under 1200 a day but some days I only fancy 800 so I think from now on thats what I will revert to as the weight fell off me. Considering its ok to lose between 2/3lbs a week, I will log what I eat meticulously, close my diary and eat anywhere between 700 and 1500 a day as the mood strikes me, it works for me.
  • Hi - I can relate to every word of your post. I'm 55, recently retired and gained 30 pounds when I hit 50 and went thru menopause. I've started taking yoga classes and do some videos at home, but have stalled at 184 lbs. Would love to lose at least 25 lbs and get rid of my size 16's. I haven't been using MFP for awhile, but now that I have more time, I intend to; the support is great.
  • calicat40
    calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
    turned 50 last year and had my gall bladder out and a hystorectomy so not only is getting old sucking but missing those parts has played havoc on my system. I've gained weight and am so mad about it. I have 54 days until Disneyworld and am determined to lose 40 pounds. I know I can do it. I have to focus and keep my goal in front of me. So yes, getting older is biting the big one.
  • I am 60 and this is my first experience with something like this. I haven't gone beyond signing up but I am hopeful. I've been on both extremes of the weight spectrum... from incredibly in shape with very low body fat percentage to obese and filled with more shame than fat which is where I am at today. Change is a good thing.
  • MargaretAWE
    MargaretAWE Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, there! I'm 56 and not able to lose as quickly as I did when I was in my mid-40s and faithfully doing Atkins. I entered menopause back then, so I'm not sure if that's the difference. I've also been sedentary much of my life so that's not it, either. I think it's that I haven't managed to get back on Atkins and do it as faithfully as I did before. And although I'll never be a jock, I did move more back then. Eating right and doing moderate exercise make a huge difference in how I feel physically, as well as my mood, and good habits let me sleep better, too. I just have to find a way to get back on track add more movement to an already full daily routine—all without compromising sleep or family time. Easy, right? :laugh:
  • jbuzzo58
    jbuzzo58 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi...I am 55 and working out 5-6 days/week at the gym alternating weightlifting days with aerobic days for 45-60 min a workout. Feeling great so far.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    52 here and yes , boy does it taking longer to lose at this age and me also being only 5` 1`` doesn`t help much either.
  • My name is Tom and I'm 57 trying again. Could use some friends for motivation! Had spinal fusion L2 3 4 and 5 in 2010 that worked out great. I was very motivated for a while then started having hip issues. September of 2013 had my left hip replaced and having the right one done in March 2014. So I need to start again and stick with it. I'm about 296 and want to get down to 220. The biggest loser seems to give me some strength watching the success of others.I am now retired so no excuses!!!!
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    it's definitely getting close....45 this year
  • Oh heavens, it really is very hard. I am still working but at a mostly sedentary job at a computer. I am a "celler dweller" so I do end up doing stairs a dozen times a day and at times need to walk the facility. After a 10 hour day I really don't feel like doing anything but eating dinner and relaxing! I have had to cut that coveted glass or two of wine too! :-( I have gone back to basics and am cutting out processed foods including margerin. I started last weekend and am down 3 lbs as of this morning!!
  • 53 here, and hell yes. Friend me if you like!
  • I am 58 and I can not belive how much harder it is to lose the pounds. I wake everyday and say today I will give it all. I weigh in and nothing lost from the day before