

  • debubbie - that is very good news, about the space requirements. I'm putting it off for now, if only because birthdays/holidays are around the corner, and people will be asking what I want. I'll stick to the equipment I already have in the meanwhile. :) I have mixed feelings about dumbells. I think I just haven't found my…
  • I am utterly pathetic at squats. lol. I can't do a proper, full one yet. They're these retarded looking half squats. But I'm working on it! Most every other exercise looks just as bad. Just have to do it as best I can for now and look forward to a future where even my reflection isn't laughing at me. :D I've got some…
  • Thank you for the simple, straight forward answer. This sort of workout is new and shiny for me, and very important, of course. It seems like a simple question, but I couldn't get an answer out of google that wasn't at least 3 pages long. I'm currently in the trial stages - trying out a lot of different routines to find…
  • He asked for my help, having seen me drop 100 lbs since my own health diagnosis. So while I think he's motivated, he's never cooked more than a burger and I think has a bit of shock and a lot of questions. Very normal with a major change! I was there a few years ago, myself. I'm trying to get a bit more educated, too,…
  • Will have to try fujis then. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the cholesterol run down! My family never had cholesterol issues, so I don't know about it (diet related heart disease, though). I know roomie's brother has a heart issue. I don't know the details, but I know everything for the roomie was 'bad is high, good is low', so it sounds like diet is a major contributing…
  • Littlefoot6- exactly what I said! He has been trying what I put in front of him, but 6 fruits in, the 'ew' face hasn't gone away. Not sure which to try next. Maybe berries and melons?
  • Will have to look into the cheese wedges. A lot said while I was replying! Peanut butter he hates (even my organic peanut butter, even the smell bothers him, but he does like carrots and cucumbers. I told him the same about apples. He definitely hates red and gala. We also bought a golden and granny smith to try, but based…
  • Mobile, so excuse my not quoting here. I wasn't sure if cheese was OK because of the cholesterol problem. If it is he will definitely go for that, but he's lactose intolerant so probably should keep dairy limited. I've never heard of flavored almonds, will have to look for them. I'll also have to see if we can find naked…
  • Just googled boat pose, and yes! That's the position exactly! (I haven't done that particular pose) when my hips are on that angle, it's just... OW!
  • I will look up bandhas. It's brand new and all greek to me at the moment. :)
  • I'm afraid I don't. The DVD is a 'for beginners' and doesn't name every move. It's all the poses where your weight is distributed mostly on your butt. Mostly those where you start sitting and engage your abs to roll backward. Also rolling in general. I have no padding on my rear. I also have issues sitting for long periods…
  • Basically. I'm in the middle of analyzing and altering my entire routine to cater to my current fitness level and needs. So while some suggestions might better suit an early AM quick workout, the others are likely to be incorporated into creating a more well rounded strength routine for my longer, evening workout, so…
  • Treadmill in the dream world where I have one, or anywhere to put one. :). Leg raises might be good. I do some leg lifts, but I don't think the kind you're referring to. (Will have to Google later). Thanks. Edit: six pack isn't a priority, strengthening and toning my super flabby midsection is. Basically aiming to focus a…
  • Thanks guys, and forgive me for not addressing any suggestions directly, but I'm mobile at the moment. Due to limited space, both in my workout space and my house in general, I'm not doing any lifting. I do have dumbbells, but have opted to focus on resistance bands instead since they take up less physical room. It's…