IAteBethDitto Member


  • Yup. That's why I'm adding cheese. It will enrich the bread nicely and then the fat in it will lower the overall glycaemic index of the meal. Cheese is medicine.
  • I don't have any food ads! I want food ads, not ads for flippin' online conferencing tools. Sulk.
  • Sure, could be - I was never keen on spuds as a kid, so that might also have something to do with the difference between me and the others. As might the butter used to lubricate said spuds! My main point was that my childhood experience makes me think that the availability of junk food is only a small piece of the puzzle.
  • Mature cheddar melted on white toast will be my 'breakfast' tomorrow (eaten at lunchtime, 'cos that's when I have my breakfast).
  • You went about that all wrong. I gave my bank number to a Nigerian prince and now I'm a millionaire. I'm guessing that my prince was a whole grain kind of prince. But not one containing gluten, obviously.
  • Thing about this is, though, that I grew up in rural Ireland in the 1970s where there was no junk food. It was all plain, 'clean' fare. Plus everybody was pretty active. (Amusing historical sidebar: - I had my first taste of Coke at my 16th birthday party, and immediately threw it up through my nose. I had my first taste…
  • Yup. I'm in east London and although accommodation costs more, food definitely costs a lot less than elsewhere in the south east.
  • I don't really understand the debate in this thread. Are some people saying that the 'obesity epidemic' seems worse than it really is because the range for a normal BMI was reduced? Let's face it, this issue could certainly be a political bandwagon. It's a complex one and mechanisms of causation are not brilliantly…
  • Eggs, full fat organic milk, butter.
  • Have you checked out the price of the frozen ones? The bags seem quite large, so it may work out cheaper.
  • Isn't the real problem with margarine an environmental one? If it's made from rapeseed oil or whatever then its popularity will mean huge 'green deserts' of a single crop. This isn't especially great for pollinators and it's generally a bad thing for biodiversity, since species beget other species. That's why I use butter.…
  • I buy from my local market. Much, much cheaper. Fortunately there are fruit stalls every day.
  • If you're thinking of letting a chiropractor touch your neck, read the following first because it is not a treatment option without risk: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-c-senelick-md/chiropractic-treatment-safety_b_1975979.html
  • Maybe zinc. http://www.nhs.uk/news/2012/05may/Pages/Zinc-shortens-common-cold.aspx
  • My first meal of the day is lunch. If I eat earlier I just end up ravenous all day long. If you want to rev up your metabolism then have a cup of coffee or just move around!
  • I love rambutans and mangosteens. Yummy!
  • This is the best salad in the world, and I've even made it with just the lemon juice and no oil. http://www.petersommer.com/turkey-travel-country/turkish-food-cuisine/coban-salad/
  • Trouble with those is I always want to add a meat pie.
    in Peas Comment by IAteBethDitto July 2013
  • I grow them, and eating freshly-podded green peas is possibly the closest I've ever come to food heaven. I love peas. My favourite thing is to make chicken curry and have it with blanched garden peas. Or try this: http://cooksjoy.com/blog/2011/07/healthy-mutter-paneer.html Or have them with pasta. Or include in a navarin…
    in Peas Comment by IAteBethDitto July 2013
  • Put simply, fluctuations in blood sugar affect your hormones. Hormone fluctuations can dramatically affect migraine sufferers. You could try titrating your energy intake to see if there's a threshold below which your susceptibility to migraine increases. You could try the whole 'eat a snack/meal containing protein every…
  • Blimey - I didn't realise you meant this literally. I thought it was a variation on 'fallen off the wagon'! I once got a concussion when I got distracted on the treadmill. I got flung off and cracked my head against the wall behind. It's good to keep mobile while you recover (if, that is, you are correct and your injury…
  • I think many of the really troublesome environmental toxins (like pthalates) are fat soluble rather than water soluble. Anybody who frets about chlorine in water should spend some time in a place where they don't add it. I was in one such place last year where, incidentally, the average life expectancy is 55. The situation…
  • I'd never eat fat-free dairy products anyway. But I do SO want this thread to be directly above the one entitled, "eggs fried in bacon grease".
  • I do 16:8 IF every weekday; it's easy for me because breakfast makes me feel ill and I don't tend to get hungry unless I've eaten that day. It's great for keeping my appetite in check overall. I've lost between 60 and 80 lbs twice before since 2008, but have always regained with a vengeance because sooner or later eating…
  • About a litre a day. That keeps my pee nice and dilute and doesn't cause any ill effects (if I drink a lot with meals I digest poorly).
  • He's not your child - it's not your job to run his life for him. The approach you're taking at the moment - as you're already finding out - is most likely to have only a negative effect on your relationship.
  • Ah yes, 'common sense'. The quality that's so easy to claim in hindsight.
  • The issue about gluten getting an unhealthy reputation could be down to the fact that coeliac disease might be very much underdiagnosed. I sat through a presentation on this at a conference just a few weeks ago. For example, read this from the 1980s:…
  • Well, if you read some of the scientific literature about the heritability of body mass tendencies (eg http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/05/130530094950.htm ), there's certainly something in that. Personally, though, my ma was a terrible cook and I was a skinny child. When I left home I discovered how delicious…
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