

  • I gained about 15 lbs since having my hysterectomy 6 years ago and cannot seem to lose it. I am gaining around the waistline, which I never gained in that area before! I do not want to starve or deprive myself, but I am not eating huge amounts or "bad" food. Just can't figure out what to do to get this weight off!! Im…
  • Hi Shella! I have the same problem. The last time I was successful losing weight, I was doing the BFL plan where you eat 6 small meals a day which really worked. But the key is "small" and my meals were growing as I went along, and so did I! What I've been doing now since tracking my food on Myfitnesspal, is to cut up…
  • Hi All! Just found this thread after joining myfitnesspal a week ago. I'm 54 and having a hard time losing the weight. Hormones, ya know! Anyone else (female) having problems losing weight due to hysterectomy? I'm doing weights and aerobics, along with calorie awareness. Trying to keep my cals at 1200 until I get to my…