

  • Wow. It always amazes me how much younger people look when they lose weight! You lost ten years! Congratulations on a job well done.
  • Thanks! I've been wondering about whether I should do this. Do you have any suggestions for a good heart rate monitor that isn't super expensive?
  • This. Is. Awesome.
  • I'm a former anorexic, so I try really hard not to go below 1500 calories or I end up slowly moving down toward 0. I'm also finishing my dissertation right now, and not eating enough makes me brainless, so I can't afford to diet really drastically right now. But I do wonder if I am eating back too many exercise calories,…
  • Thanks! I've never seen this before. Definitely going to try it.
  • Oh, and also, my boyfriend is dieting too. He has done nothing but switch to diet soda and he has lost 20 pounds. Unfairness of the universe.
  • Ooh, this is interesting. I do weigh myself with bare feet, and I usually wet my feet if I'm trying to get a body fat reading. But I didn't know that you had to be well hydrated! Maybe I should be drinking more water . . . Thanks!
  • Thanks, y'all. I was resisting weighing myself for awhile because I didn't want to have the temptation of just starving myself to lose weight. Maybe I should just dropkick my scale! It does have a body fat measurement function, which is one of the reasons I bought it, but I can't seem to get that part to work -- it always…
  • Yay! I just did Week 6, Day 2 today. On Saturday I'm going to run almost two miles! (I've been going at a 5 mph pace . . . the 6 mph pace is a bit much for me still). And after five weeks and change of doing this, today I had to sprint to catch the bus on time -- wearing a dress, no less -- and not only did I catch the…
    in C25K Day 1 Comment by knk121 June 2013
  • Holy moly, you're a hottie!
  • Your video made me cry. Thanks for that.
  • 201.8! Broke my plateau! :D Also, one-derland is in spitting distance.
  • Wrap dresses are amazing for this. I'll reiterate the above poster who said that dresses are great. I'm about a size 12 right now but I still can wear a size 6 dress that I got in skinnier days. They're magical that way.
  • 203.4 - I lost a bit, but I was hoping for more. Time to crank it up at the gym.
  • 203.4! Yay! The scale is finally moving in the right direction!
  • 206.8! Finally less than I started!
  • Sorry for the lateness -- I was on vacation and didn't have a chance to weigh myself. And, being on vacation, I gained a pound, so 208.
  • 207 today. Same as last week despite being really really on track! Maybe it'll all come off at once?
  • The amazing thing is how the weight comes off once you keep track. I don't feel really hungry in a day when I'm eating according to my goals, and I lose. If I don't keep track, I can think I'm doing just fine and then wake up a month later with an extra ten pounds. In short, by deciding to keep track you've already made…
  • "Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point." / "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing." -Blaise Pascal or "J'aime et j'espere." / "I love and I hope." - from a necklace that Thomas Jefferson had made for his daughter. Apparently I'm all about the French.
  • This is the best before-and-after I've ever seen. You're super hot! You kind of look like Orlando Bloom. :)
  • I think this is a nice idea. My first year of my Ph.D. program I cried almost every day. And I'm a pretty well-adjusted person. You might also just want to invite her to do something some night -- come over for a cup of tea or watch some TV. Grad school can be really isolating if you're in a competitive rather than…
  • How about something like Reduced Fat Wheat Thins, Babybel cheese, and some fruits and veggies? I also really like taking Jell-O pudding snacks, which are shelf-stable and not too many calories.
  • The best gift I ever got from a boyfriend was a necklace. My best friend told him that we were both reading a story that had a necklace with "J'aime et j'espere" on it, and I told her that I'd love to have one like it. So he went to a jeweler and had them engrave that on one side of a pendant and my initials on the other.…