

  • Ugh, I went to a german style beer house last night and was having steins of beer( basically a liter per ) i dont feel horrible but i just feel like i want to eat and sleep and repeat until monday morning lol. I have already done my walk, which felt pretty good but some how i think walking stirred up the flow of left over…
  • Kitchen aid stand mixer. Pasta attachments are my favorite Toaster French press Kettle George Foreman grill (often, but gets put away)
  • 1 cup of boiled kale, 2 slices of whole wheat bread and two fried eggs.
  • A lot of people target certain areas in a routine like do a leg day, then arms, mid section, cardio, etc... I guess it's really personal preference and what your capable of. I tend to do cardio every day and then split legs arms and mid section 3 separate days take a break then do it over.
  • I'm extremely pleased with the s health app on my Samsung S5. It has a pedometer and uses Google maps to track location and distance, it also has a lot of other options on it. The phone also has a heart rate monitor so it works pretty great.
  • I think I know a lot about health but in fact I probably don't haha. I do try to stay up on it though. It's always an on and off thing for me hopefully which ends this year. As for the drifit maybe I just need to find proper drifit stuff such as jacket and pants. Everyone here is pretty great from experience and everything…
  • Haha oh man. K... thank you guys for the input and the links were very helpful especially the ones pika posted about the cleanses that was new insight. I will try to keep my bad ideas in line but I can't promise anything. So sweat suit is bad. Got it.
  • Yah. I do know of certain cleanse drinks etc. Was just saying.
  • I'm not into the spandex or lycra, at least yet. I do have some drifit clothing but they're not exactly warm. I live in Alberta, Canada and it's been unusually cold for august. I guess my post could have been a 2 parter about the sweat and about proper clothing haha.
  • Well if anything it will be good for the colder days haha. What about benefits such as flushing impurities out of your body by sweating?
  • Losing that much by the new year WOULD be an incredible feat. Not saying it can't be done but it would be insanely difficult and you would have to be more than 1000% dedicated. I am a very high energy man and young(25) and if I lose 10-20lbs that is great but it's super hard to do. Diet diet diet is everything with a good…
  • Not a food suggestion here, but have you tried 5htp capsules? They help with serotonin production which I'm sure you know has a lot to do with your mood. Good mood can help maintain good energy also there are natural health supplements such as swiss brand energy capsules. I have used both and gotten very good results. For…
  • Personally if I get up for a morning bike ride, which is roughly 8-10 miles depending on the route I choose, I like to do it before eating. However I do drink plenty of fluid before I got which often includes almond or coconut milk which helps with the energy I'm sure. I do my morning rides as quickly as possible.
  • I normally eat eggs every morning with 1 to 2 slices of toast and a fruit of veggie to go with it. My only other breakfasts are soaked oat porridge and or a cereal such as vector still with a fruit or veg.
  • I do not have a "no" list but more or less an avoid as much as possible list lol. Beer, cheese in excess (love the stuff), fast food and other junk food. I am a big fan of all foods I just try and stay away from the ones that are not healthy.
  • From my experiences you may gain weight (muscle has more mass and density than fat does) but you will likely get toned and shrink still. Measurements! A lot of people don't typically lift weights to lose weight, correct me if I am wrong... I would say it's nothing to worry about if you gain a bit but see results in…
  • Totally agree walking and swimming are easy to do and low impact and the perfect way to start getting your muscles strengthened up and some limberness in your joints. Also diet can make or break you.
  • Muscle weighs more than fat? I have found I can weigh the same as a very heavy set person but I do not look nearly the same because of the weight training I do. Just my input.
  • I've been at it for 4 weeks now and have lost 10 lbs from that date. That being said I am very high energy no matter what size I am and when I start to exercise I don't like to stop. Losing weight is a great challenge and the benefits are enough reward to stick at it. Stick to it until the snow flies (depending on…
  • My bicycle!! I love to ride it and it loves to be rode, it's a mutual relationship and I benefit greatly from riding it all the time.:happy:
  • I love the high percent dark chocolate. .. but I'm also guilty of loving milk chocolate a lot lol.
  • I'm in! I have been absent from this site for a long time but finally decided to come back to see whats up and talk with other people to stay motivated and what not. This summer ive been riding pretty hard, as of the last 30 days or so... I am up to 166 kilometers in August already.. I dont know what my goal for the end of…
  • A creeper!? To me a creeper is a pixelated green thing the explodes when its near.
  • 24 here anyone may add me. I am doing a combo of cardio and strength training.
  • A trampoline, a big screen TV, some socks, dog food and a tooth brush.
  • I have quite a few friends here in calgary that dj and produce some of then work for company called PK sound and they put on one of Canada largest festivals, shambala. I have been 4 times and its absolutely amazing. I love most EDM love uk garage and house music. Often I listen to hard style when working out lol. is…