LBP61 Member


  • Current weight 150 Goal weight 130
  • It is so interesting to see the different weights for women the same height. I am 5'8" and my CW is 150 and I want to lose 15 lbs. I carry my weight around my middle and it is very difficult to lose that weight at age 53, but I am working on it. I feel best when I am wearing a size 10. Currently I am wearing a size 12.
    in 5ft6 ladies? Comment by LBP61 March 2014
  • Thanks! Most days I have no problem eating them back, but some days I excercise so late, it's hard to get that many calories in. I guess if I know I am going to be excercising in the evening I can add those calories back in earlier in the day.
  • Great Job! I just started runnng again last year. It feels good!
    in Huge NSV Comment by LBP61 January 2013
  • I can totally tell a difference! Wow! You are inspiring!
  • Hello! May I join you? I will be turning 52 this month (how did that happen?) I have 20 lbs to loose but mostly just want to stay healthy, eat right, and exercise! I need motivation! I have never had a weight problem until I started taking Inderol for my migraines. One of the side effects is that you never feel full. I am…
  • Hi! I am brand new, and hoping to loose about 20 lbs! Good luck on your journey!