

  • measured with a bod pod and scale. and as far as healthy i have never tried watching my diet before or lifting really so i didnt have any experience. im just learning as i go and keeping a close eye on how i feel. i plugged in my info to mfp and its initial cal goal was between 1200 and 1300 so i said sure ill try that and…
  • I disagree, i never eat back my exercise calories since calories burned through exercise are estimates at best even with a HRM. MFP has had me between 1200-1300 cals/day thus far and i feel perfectly full, havent had any plateaus thus far. lost 20lbs since jan 1, increased lean mass, energy levels high, no problem with…
  • heated power yoga is awesome! i generally go to hot classes whether its power vinyasa or a more bikram-esque sequence. gets my heart rate up, feels great, and for some reason i crave healthier foods after class(wouldve killed someone for a cheeseburger before class the other day, afterwards all i wanted was some cottage…
  • if i am having wrist pain during vinyasa usually making a fist and doing updog/chaturanga/etc on your fists instead of with fingers splayed out(weight on first segment of fingers closest to the palm while in fist) helps quite a bit for me.
  • i'm not a morning person, so i usually go after work. sometimes its right after work for a heated vinyasa class, or as late as 8:30 for a candlelight hot/power fusion if im in need of something more relaxing but still strenuous. for me evening yoga is the best, beats trying to function at 6am! ;)
  • yup, my HRM said around 1060 calories burned each time, but that seemed a bit high to me so i plugged the info into a variety of online calculators and for my stats it came out to be around 800 calories per 60minutes on every calc! factoring in what i wouldve burned without the exercise it was about a 720 net. pretty good…
  • i dont know about videos, but in my opinion there is no substitute for a good class. the variety and personalization available from a good instructor there with you and forming some sense of community are priceless. I'm beginning to feel like some sort of corporate shill from how much i praise this company, but if there…
  • oh yeah, i determined all that and whatnot. my avg HR during the heated vinyasa yoga classes was 140 which is right in my ideal range of 120-160, i was in that range for 46 of the 60 minute class with a max HR peak of 182-186. i still want to check the numbers for the unheated variant(will post here once i have just for…
  • interesting, in that huffpost article it talked a lot about vasodilation but didnt mention that it correlated to an increased heartrate, and in the one instant it mentioned any kind of correlation it was a negative one: "for example, claim that saunas will burn calories by increasing your circulation; your body actually…
  • it depends on what style of yoga you choose. a style like vinyasa is faster moving and definitely gives you a cardio workout if its a good class. i wholeheartedly recommend CorePower Yoga if there is one near you, they have a variety of class types ranging from hatha/vinyasa fusion(slower moving, holding poses for longer),…
    in yoga? Comment by earpies37 January 2013
  • makes sense, i assumed that heart rate was heart rate so whether it got raised from exercise or a combo of exercise and heat that it burned the same number of calories. i dont suppose you know of a link to a study that shows the difference or whatnot as opposed to a random article do ya? would be an interesting read! ive…
  • ill admit im curious why it wouldnt give an accurate reading. my hrm strap/watch combo was spot on about my heart rate(checked pulse manually a few times during class and it was tracking accurately). at the end of class it reported 1066 calories burned but when i plugged the heart rate data into a bunch of different online…
  • i usually do a heated vinyasa, sometimes change it up with the hot hatha/vinyasa mix if my body needs to recuperate a bit but still workout. the studio i go to also offers a heated vinyasa with weights but i havent braved it yet hehe. If you live near a CorePower Yoga i wholeheartedly recommend it!
    in Yoga Comment by earpies37 January 2013
  • i wore my HRM to both a heated hatha/vinyasa fusion class and a heated level2 vinyasa class. for 60min class i was kept in my target heart rate zone for 46-50min, burned a little over 800calories in the vinyasa and a little under for the hatha fusion.
  • i wore my heart rate monitor to a heated level2 power vinyasa class, kept me in my target heart rate zone for 50 of the 60 minutes of class and said i burned about 800 calories. i plugged my heart rate data into other calculators and they all came up with the same numbers... that said i am relatively new to practicing and…
  • psssh, send your husband to teacher training and then get him hired at a studio teaching part time, problem solved! ;)
  • could always do a work for trade thing where ya clean up and get free yoga(i know someone who also gives free chiropractic adjustments to the instructors in exchange for free yoga), or just do what i did and start dating one of the instructors(+1 free yoga woot!) ;)
  • kinda pointless imo, just get a 'yogitoes' yoga towel to put down on your mat, it has little grippy nubs on one side so it wont slide at all. theyre great and you dont have socks filled with sweat/funk by the end of class! ;)