marilynKT Member


  • Welcome! I'm new in the last few days, too! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • See if you can give up the Coke for one week. Do as LauriinnSB suggested -- grab some water, some Crystal Light, or try vitamin water, just some other liquid -- and next Sunday, if you've been good all week, reward yourself with a small glass. Then do it again next week. And then do some online research about the damage…
  • You are so right!!! I'm making that the strictest rule about what I'm doing...even if I eat poorly, fall off the wagon, splurge, treat, whatever, I'm WRITING IT DOWN. It make such a huge difference!
  • Good for you!!! I think it's great that you've found something you love to do in exercise. That makes a huge difference. Good luck to you in all you're doing!
    in Excited Comment by marilynKT May 2011
  • I'd be glad to! I'm new here, too, and looking forward to interacting with folks.
    in Friends.. Comment by marilynKT May 2011
  • Welcome! I'm new, too! Congrats on the increased water intake. Here's hoping that it's a first step in big changes in your future, with cuter shoes ahead! :D
  • Thank you both!