jodes489 Member


  • I too would not like to be the fat chick lagging behind the zombie apololypse (wow that is hard to spell) needless to say am not that keen on zombies either I'm afraid. Hopefully we can get past this :) Tried setting up a blog on 5.2 website but I kept slipping up & it just got embrassing! (if that's even possible over the…
  • Can I play? :) Weird and wonderful and looking to lose 1.5 stone for my sisters wedding in June. In Spain. Tried 5/2 but love food too much to give it up twice a week....
  • Hi this sounds great can you tell me exactly what kind of flour you use? Was it plain or self-raising? I have never heard of cake flour, Thanks
  • Hi, I put on 8 pounds over Christmas, not suprising really given all the excesses but hey it's Christmas. I don't regret it either. But at 13 stone 6 it's really time to get back out there! Good luck everyone! Feel free to add me the newbie x
  • Hiya, my name's Jodie, I'm 24, female n I weigh 13.5 stone. I really want to lose at least 2 stone, as I am currently quite overweight. 10.5 would be a great weight for me but at the moment I'm just trying to get to 12.5. I can also work it out in kilos if anyone is interested. I have recently joined the gym n started…